Interview with a Metalhead?

Wigger slam? Are you on drugs?

Name some bands I supposedly listen to, 'cause I don't even listen to much slam. Pretty much just Gorepoflesh, Devourment, Wormed, and maybe a little bit of Abominable Putridity on rare occasions.

As for DSBM, still better than Killswitch Engayge tbh *shrug*
Well, that is a shame because H&H is the best Sabbath album
Funny thing is, from what I remember, a good portion of those songs were never supposed to actually be Sabbath songs. Yet they ended up sounding more Sabbathy than a great chunk of their most recent stuff up until that point. I know for a fact Master of Insanity & Computer God were supposed to songs for a Geezer Butler solo album.
Computer God was musically an Iommi creation, they only scooped the title. Geezer actually has a demo called Computer God that is nothing alike. Master of Insanity is all Geezer however.
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That's interesting. I'd love to hear Geezer's demo version if it exists online somewhere.
I was mostly referring to this sentiment.

I think we were both talking about Sabbath worship at a cult level by people who did not actually live the times and have a real comprehension of what the music was. Obviously, anyone of any age can worship any band they like and I'm not going to insult them. I'm also not going to shit on people for not having enough Muddy Waters albums because you know... blues... metal... there's a important connection somewhere. Only fucking posers don't know it
Sabbath worship at a cult level by people who did not actually live the times and have a real comprehension of what the music was.
that's not a fair statement. You dont have to live in during their time to actually worship their music.

That being said the biggest Sabbath fan i ever met was my dads late friend who had every Ozzy era Sabbath album on vinyl, tape, cd and even a few 8-tracks. He was in his 50's and had posters in his garage, books, old ticket stubs etc. He played the bass and worshiped Geezer and even had one of his bass guitars signed by him if i remember correctly. The man was also a party animal for his age. Too bad his son was a giant herbivore cunt like hbb and probably sold off all that stuff now and listens to pop on youtube or whatnot. What a damn shame that a proper man like that bred out such a pansy deadbeat.
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