Hey there
My name is Bobby (or Bobs, Bobbins, whatever you like). I'm a big Katatonia fan, and have been for around 2 years. Also, I'm into into pretty much every style you could think of (Eurobeat excepted). Music helps to keep me alive. It is my lifeblood.
I'm 17, and I live in rainy Scotland. If it had better weather, it would be just about the most beautiful country in the world. I'm still at school, but I'm going to university at Edinburgh in September to study law. I can't wait
I try to play music, but I'm not very talented. I play keys, and attempt to do vocals, but I'm very average at both. I was in a metal band for a while, but we disbanded, and now I try to do solo stuff. I would be surprised if anybody on here liked it, it kinda turns out like all that repugnant poppy stuff nobody likes
. But what can I say? I gotta do something musical, otherwise I would go insane. I have a myspace in my sig if anyone wants to check it out.
Occasionally I try to write poetry and prose. I'm quite good once I have an idea in my head, but it's the generation of these ideas that causes me the most problems.
I try to be as positive about everything as I possibly can be. I often find myself becoming something of a pillar of support for other people. I don't mind, because I like to help, and it distracts me from my own problems.
I'm just about the most open-minded person in existance. I'm well-disposed towards everybody, becuase without the company of other people, I would wither and die.
I post on forums waaaaaaay too often, as opposed to doing assignments
I'd bet money that everyone else here is nice too