Introduction thread erica, 19 year old and very irratic. i live in england but move around alot.

im a bit of a festival main festival addictions being wacken and bloodstock.

and thats all you need to know about that, :)

i can only get to wacken(though im going to germany for a full 7 days for that just so i can go to the doll house again before actually going to wacken, amongst a few other places)
and bloodstock. the rest of the things i'll be upto are just gigs unfortuinatly, due to the fact that im only a couple of months away from moving....again AND i still have a trip to amsterdam to cover, 0.o.

then next year, i'll be doing inferno, wacken, bloodstock, ragnorok(norway) so far, but i'll probibly hunt down more even though i really shouldnt.

i hear thirteenth day may go again next year since they couldnt this year. if they do, obviously i'll be going to that again, even though its only a one day fest.
non of that pissy download crap for me like every other fucker in england though, :P.

lol :P

It was so awesome last year, lineup wise, and this year too. The only thing that makes Wacken a better festival is that there's far more to do when you're NOT watching bands. There's nothing else to do at Earthshaker, they seem to have a knack of getting really great bands though.

Gonna see if I can get to B.O.A, not gonna bother with the indoor one...seems to get worse every year.

Earthshaker was great last year! Ed, I didn't realise you were definitely going again this year.

As this is the introductions thread: I'm Rachael, 21 yrs old from London, UK. I'm a music teacher and freelance writer for various websites and magazines. Speaking of which, here's my interview with everyone's favourite Warlord I'll put it on the main board too. I have some photos somewhere too..
i dont think many people bored with the indoor one that much anymore, i such as hell dont.

and yea, wacken does have alot to do, though, to be fair, i dont really take notice....i just get trashed for a few days and meet a bunch of weird people....that is the between band activities sorted, :P.

Yep Definately going again this year, they've changed the location so hopefully wont be camping right next to the autobahn this time..hehe :)

RE Bloodstock, I think maybe they'll abandon the indoor one soon, once the outdoor one really gets off its feet..that's my feelingf anyway.

The outdoor one could really be something this year, the lineup is fucking mega! you run a wacken group on myspace? because I joined it the other day. your avatar looks familiar is all.
yea the b.o.a line-up is pretty epic this yea.

and YES, i do, :P, i run 2 actually, but i was playing with the html of the old one when very very drunk(jager...not my fault) and fucked it up so royally that it actually cant be edited anymore, i've requested for it to be deleted countless times but fuck all has been done. i cant even cancel it myself(i some how got rid of the cancelation button during my drunken tinkering, :P).

so there is a newer one, with about 1000 less people....hopefully thats the one you joined, :P.

since i have the rest of the week off(yay bank holidays) its going to have a few thousand more members over the next few days so that should be a larf.

so is everyone else on the group.....esp me, i mean, the most i usually do is mock people of ban people just because i think they are a bit of a cock, :P.

meh, i might spam it with topics later, not like i can do anything else right now....fucking hate being ill.

I just joined :)
16 from Horsham in England. Seen Turisas in London this year and seeing them again soon at BOA
Hello All...

I'm Tristan, 23 year old male, will be 24 in a week, from Ontario Canada.

Almost entirely new to the world of Turisas but LOVE what I've heard. My Battle Metal album was just shipped out a day or two ago so it should be here shortly and I can't wait to sit down and give it a good listen through. Cheers!!!
