Introduction thread

In a feeble attempt to stop this topic going the way most do....I missed out the 'I knew' bit from the beginning of my sentence, it should in fact come after the evil laugh....and I don't bite! speak for yourself mister!!

*please resume topic*
well, welcome to everyone new :)

and alrady those new ones got an impression on how it mostly goes on threads *laughing*
35 year old male (as you all guessed from the nick, didn't you), Turisas fans with my wife since Battle Metal. Seen three gigs during the last few years. Registered into this forum to shamelessly advertise the video clip of our son doing his ex tempore Turisas impression with a toy guitar (see the Turisas covers -thread).
We'll let you off seeing as it's cute as hell :p

Please feel free to stick around and join in the weirdness/Olli-baiting* though - we always need more people for that!

*We love him really, he's just fun to take the piss out of sometimes.
Hey guys! Hm, brief intro. I'm Candice, ventured this way from the Be'lakor forum. I live in Australia, and I got into Turisas by pure chance. Wandered into a CD store a few years ago, picked up 3 random CDs, one of which was Battle Metal. Been hooked ever since. My friend in Finland sent me the DVD for Christmas, and I must confess to having watched it at once a day since. Maybe >.> :lol: Not sure why it took me so long to wander over to this forum, actually.
Oh I'm fantastic at offtopic! Notorious for it over at MO :lol:


We like you already!

Just watch out for the Olli, he likes to come on and have a whinge occasionally. I would tell you to mind the mod (Fenisrulfr), but he does bugger all really and is rather hard to piss off, which is a rather nice quality to find in a mod.

Get yourself a helmet and axe, then get stuck in!