waif Member Sep 7, 2007 18,908 13 38 Montreal Mar 24, 2008 #81 On Reroute and STYE, maybe not. But with the new album, there's a significant difference.
V Veenox Member Jan 25, 2008 228 0 16 Mar 24, 2008 #82 An average metalcore band? Oh please. If you can show me an example of an In Flames' song with 100,000,000 breakdowns, I might to see your point.
An average metalcore band? Oh please. If you can show me an example of an In Flames' song with 100,000,000 breakdowns, I might to see your point.
T The_Lunar_Strain great powermetal=axenstar Mar 25, 2008 184 0 16 NY Mar 25, 2008 #83 After the quiet place and my sweet shadow I refuse to believe that anything that gay can be melodeath and not Nu-metal/Metalcore
After the quiet place and my sweet shadow I refuse to believe that anything that gay can be melodeath and not Nu-metal/Metalcore
estigma2001 Member Apr 13, 2002 769 1 18 51 Lima Peru www.geocities.com Mar 26, 2008 #84 nope and i don´t care they are just In Flames!!!!! and they rock!!!! i felt in love with IF since jester race!!! then i lost them in STYE and CC but now im in love again!!! lol
nope and i don´t care they are just In Flames!!!!! and they rock!!!! i felt in love with IF since jester race!!! then i lost them in STYE and CC but now im in love again!!! lol
M MetalDoRk666 Member Jan 4, 2008 45 0 6 Mar 30, 2008 #85 yea they are they have changed their music but they still got their same old Melodic Death Metal roots..
yea they are they have changed their music but they still got their same old Melodic Death Metal roots..
M MetalDoRk666 Member Jan 4, 2008 45 0 6 Mar 30, 2008 #86 Black Tears said: Yes they are, if you took death metal or black metal music and put clean vocals over it, you'd certainly not call it death or black metal. Click to expand... dude lisen to Susperia Black Metal band with some clean vocals in their songs..
Black Tears said: Yes they are, if you took death metal or black metal music and put clean vocals over it, you'd certainly not call it death or black metal. Click to expand... dude lisen to Susperia Black Metal band with some clean vocals in their songs..