I voted no, Some of the earlier albums, particulary Whoracle, I would have said yes.
They are definitely melo"something" but I wouldnt classify it as death. The first thing I thought after I popped in Come Clarity in my stereo, was wow they are shooting for the sound Killswitch Engage had with Jesse Leach.
What makes it even tougher to classify IF is that they sound different on EVERY album (to me at least), I guess this can be good or not as good if you really liked one of their styles.
For those who dont visit the DT board, an interview of someone who might be considered an expert on the subject:
PW: The Gothenburg metal scene and as far as the groups that evolved from it around the same time as yourselves has changed in quite a lot of respect. In Flames, have taken a more commercial slant, The Haunted have frankly gone rather odd and newer bands such as Avatar; Engel and One Man Army And The Undead Quartet are springing up from in many cases the remains of fallen bands. How do you think things have changed lately?
MS: I guess what goes around comes around really. We still all really have the same mindset when it comes to the music, we can all still hang out and talk about whats real and whats interesting. Everyone has gone out and used their different influences in different ways. This is I think natural and not been forced in any way, but is a natural progression and is really cool. The Haunted, could have just been a progression of At The Gates, they chose a totally different plan, which I think is fantastic. In Flames have gone from like death metal to something else, its amazing, it works out well for them. That is what its all about, taking your influence, taking your background into something new and original.