Is it just me or does a large majority of black metal suck?

Liturgy is absolutely fucking awful. I don’t know how anyone can listen to that shit. It’s disorientating and not in a good way.

To use a famous HBB phrase, how is this even considered black metal? Mind you, because they are so maligned by the black metal community I’m half expecting him to come to their defence and say some shit like “better riffs than 90% of black metal”.

I can't listen to that particular song right now, but in general yeah Liturgy have better riffs than 90% of black metal.
Ok, that Generation song is basically a twangier Meshuggah. It's clearly not even trying to be black metal. The riff isn't amazing, but it's undoubtedly a better riff than most black metal riffs just on principle alone, even if the song is almost nothing beyond that riff. I'd take an hour of that over an hour of Dark Funeral or Hate Forest riffing any day.
What the fuck?! You're the first person to agree with me on that.
There is very little reason to disagree with that. He, along with the rest of the band, had a ton of versatility on Cowboys from Hell and that was an aspect of him that became sorely missed on the future albums.
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If you want a really bad opinion, it's that Phil's vocals on CfH were somehow an outdated element of the album due to his use of the higher register which is something I tend to hear from many Pantera fans.
There is very little reason to disagree with that. He, along with the rest of the band, had a ton of versatility on Cowboys from Hell and that was an aspect of him that became sorely missed on the future albums.

I agree about the versatility. It's why I like that Pantera album the most of all the ones I've heard and that includes some of the Terry Glaze material.