Is metal driven by hate?


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2013
For me the bulk of metal is about hate and it is healthy. I am having a stupid debate with some stupid fs, who are trying to tell me that a. metal is not about hate at all. b. that hate is unhealthy.

I know that a lot of it is not but the bulk of it is, right? It seems blatantly obvious to me so I am sorry if this seems like a stupid question.

A lot of people could say that it is about an entire array of different emotions but I think that predominantly it is about hate.
It's hard to say. A lot of it is angry and violent, for sure, but usually neither the titles/lyrics nor what musicians say in interviews really foregrounds hate above everything else.

I mostly listen to black metal, and as angry and nihilistic and misanthropic as it can be, "hate" is only one of several important topics. Lots of bands focus on a satanism that is about more than just hate (DsO, Antaeus, Inquisition), and a lot of the Norwegian bands seem to be above all else about getting in touch with the ancient past of what they see as their traditional (pagan) culture.

I guess I'm probably making too fine a distinction between "hate" and misanthropic satanism.
All depends. The codex necro is hatefilled and driven. Bands like agalloch or drudkh, not a chance.
Metal isn't about one particular thing. Hate can be very healthy though, or it can be unhealthy. It depends on the individual and whether it's causing you stress or strength
Hate? No.

One could make a better case for negativity, but even that won't hold true.

Negativity is in a lot of songs but I don't link that to hate. To me that is an entirely separate emotion. Because hate necessitates aggression right? ...I suppose an issue is that I listen to metal that brings up hate for me so the thinking becomes circular. To me it is metal when it has hate in it (most of the time, not all the time). And so hate is in metal. ...So my real question is, is most metal about aggression / hate? Or would you say that it is equally driven by love as an emotional base?
Is metal driven by hate?

Anger, frustration and fear mostly.
In the metal macho culture fear isn't allowed, so in the metal heads the fear turns into hate. Or so they like to tell themselves.
This self-deception will in time turn fake hate into real depression.

Yes, some of my favorite hate filled bands are
Iron Monkey
And Buzzov.en.
I'm not sure what's worse... Actually posting that demotivational poster shit in 2013 or the fact that the kid isn't even making a fist.
For me the bulk of metal is about hate and it is healthy. I am having a stupid debate with some stupid fs, who are trying to tell me that a. metal is not about hate at all. b. that hate is unhealthy.

I know that a lot of it is not but the bulk of it is, right? It seems blatantly obvious to me so I am sorry if this seems like a stupid question.

A lot of people could say that it is about an entire array of different emotions but I think that predominantly it is about hate.

Some death, black and thrash is hateful but metal on the whole is not characterized by hate. There are very few hateful prog, traditional or power metal songs. And even a genre like black metal has a lot of stuff that is about reverence for pagan gods, reflection on nature etc. which has nothing to do with hate.
It's driven by riffs!

:lol: yeah probably that's the case and alot of alchohol!
well on a serious note I think the Hate is just kind of a tool in the music to get rid of the negativity which surrounds us everywhere. Hate can be a relief too.. sometimes it feels better to hate someone instead of having feelings of guilt. But well I think it's all about the music. Of course there's alot of aggression and brutality but without it Metal would be boring.
I think one mistake the OP is making is assuming that aggression and brutality equals hate. A lion is aggressive and brutal towards its prey but it doesn't hate its prey. To hate something or someone the hated needs to have some sort of power over the hated (i.e. fear, control), so even in a lot of brutal death I don't hear any hate.
I think one mistake the OP is making is assuming that aggression and brutality equals hate. A lion is aggressive and brutal towards its prey but it doesn't hate its prey. To hate something or someone the hated needs to have some sort of power over the hated (i.e. fear, control), so even in a lot of brutal death I don't hear any hate.

Bingo! Or that darkness (in music or art) is equivalent to evil.