kotc sob east coast tour

I just heard from Trent of SoulPreacher... he is scouting out a gig as we speak... should have it sorted (hopfully) in a weeks time...

Dan... LOSS has found a new Nashville venue and will give us the good word soon on it's finalization... so Rochester is thus the last standing, waiting on John and Crucifist or Warblade... anyone contact Warblade about this gig?

awesome Rhett! that's killer, looks like this whole thing is really coming together! :rock: :rock: :rock:
and by the way, what's with that fest? on i think the 20th?
The East Coast band community is starting to amuse me... bands either write back in a split second or dont write for a week... lazy ass muhfukkahs!

Nothing against Bill or Withersoul... I dont know about Dan and Shroud... Hell I definately dont know about Dan... Dan, there is more to life than butthole pleasures... you FAEG!
I have asked Mike and Mark Weldon to email you. Many times. I have asked them to join this forum. There is Warblade and Fireborn in the Rochester area. Also there is The Green Evening Requiem and Enamored (not seeking another name) in PA. It's a shame that I can lead a band to beer but whether they drink it or not.. is the dilemma.
TGER= greenevening@gmail.com
Warblade=Nobody9478@aol.com; Weasel109877@aol.com
Hey Jeremy.

Maybe it's a Rochester thing... I've written John of CRUCIFIST/ORODRUIN nearly 6 times and nothing... no bill booked... no nothin'... maybe Rochester breeds a different kind of lazy? It;s funny cuz on the CRUCIFIST page they state that they are looking for more gigs to book... no shit, really? Dont fuckin' act like it.

Will try the other 2 acts you mentioned...

Thanks for the help.

Hey..don't diss the Chucky Cheese gigs Rhett... all the greasy pizza you can eat, and free game tokens? And don't even get me started on the Soccer Mom's... that's pure heaven there..
GREEN EVENING - I have Jessica (Promoter/Relapse Store) booking us a gig in Philly... so we have Philly solid.

WILL BOZARTH - North New Jersey or Brooklyn is not needed... we need a gig to get us moving towards the west...

Here are the dates...

5/10 - Nashville (TBA)
5/11 - Atlanta - Swayze's
5/12 - Raleigh - Raleigh Music Hall
5/13 - Richmond - (TBA)
5/14 - Philly (TBA) Opener SEASON OF MOURNING
5/15 - Return to the Pit Radio
5/16 - Rhode Island - The Living Room
5/17 - NYC - Knitting Factory
5/18 - Boston - Skybar
5/19 - ?Rochester? <-------------- In this area (or near) on this date I need.
5/20 - Detroit - Stonehenge Fest
5/21 - Chicago - Ye Olde Town Inn

We need a venue on route to Detroit from the Boston area.