Mail from the End

Crap! I just sent it to I would think they'd receive it regardless and forward it to the correct part of The End ???:erk::confused:

I don't really know if the above address is another Paypal address. If not, you should get back your payment or something like this. In any case, write to them an email and explain what happened. Maybe their response delay is due to the high amount of questions regarding orders troubles like ours, and probably they don't work in weekends.
^Why would you get it on June 1st? Release date is June 3rd. Christ, at this point, I just hope I get one with all the problems I'm having...:erk:
if I was buying it on its release date I would be at the local music store when it opened and be th first customer of the day so that way I knowI got it when it came out that day. Unfortianetly I have to wait.
Yeah a few people asked a very interesting question...

Does anyone know how shipping works? Do they start shipping before or on release date?

Yes they do, you're supposed to receive it (but its actually not ALWAYS the case) the same day they release it. Take your local CD store by example, they receive the boxes 3-4 before the release date, to be sure you have it on THAT date. That's in theory, not in real life. hehe
Yes they do, you're supposed to receive it (but its actually not ALWAYS the case) the same day they release it. Take your local CD store by example, they receive the boxes 3-4 before the release date, to be sure you have it on THAT date. That's in theory, not in real life. hehe

If you're lucky you get it before the release date. It's happened to me a few times, especially when ordering direct from the record company. We'll see though...
Yes they do, you're supposed to receive it (but its actually not ALWAYS the case) the same day they release it. Take your local CD store by example, they receive the boxes 3-4 before the release date, to be sure you have it on THAT date. That's in theory, not in real life. hehe

Yeah, I got Roundhouse a week early, cuz the record store guy fucked up!!:heh:
^I'm pretty sure I WON'T receive it on day of release...:erk:

OK, I'll ask this question again: Now I had to resend $$ to The End via PayPal. I ended up sending it to Someone else in this thread sent theirs to NOW, who do you think will get theirs first??:Smug: But seriuosly, does anyone know if the address I sent it to is acceptable?
How long does it normally take for Paypal funds to expire before a merchant actually takes them?

And, does The End have 24/7 customer service and/or a phone# ?

(I have a feeling I may get screwed on this somehow...)
I tried ordering the whole set and the end records site had that package out of stock and had to settle for the cd/dvd SE w/poster pack, even emailed them asking to charge me for the difference in cost if they could backorder, but they replied that there were only a limited amount for sale. So in the end (no pun intended), I was shit out of luck.
How long does it normally take for Paypal funds to expire before a merchant actually takes them?

And, does The End have 24/7 customer service and/or a phone# ?

(I have a feeling I may get screwed on this somehow...)
Same. They better respond soon. I have sent them the payments and it's getting pretty close to the release...:erk:
^They don't really respond too quickly. Did you resend payment, like I did? Except I don't know if they'll take it from Although, that was the address of the email sent to me confirming my order way back on the 18-Apr.

We need a The End rep on this forum to straighten this shit out!!:mad:
They sent me an e-mail telling me the payment was expired? So I resent the payment to the 3 days ago and no confirmation. I ordered mine very early and they said my order is still confirmed, but it appears the payment is not. They better confirm it soon as they should ship it next week.
At least you got an email. I had to find out for myself that it expired. I sent them an email explaining my situation, but no response. This will be the deciding factor on whether I do business with these people again.
lol yeah i got some weird email from them saying i had sent them a question or something and not to reply to this email, wasnt sure what the hell it was so i just ignored it for a week.. now i discover this mess....
Hmm, this is pretty annoying. I have had contact between them previously, but nothing since I resent the payment. I just sent another email in the "case" section when you contact support in your account. Hopefully they see that message as they don't seem to be seeing the emails I have sent from my gmail. Not happy.