Mallcore? deathcore? Care to explain?

Dude, those 5 elements of death metal you listed could easily be applied to something like Converge, apart from maybe the Death Vocals, but Jacob Bannon is to shrieks as George Fisher is to the cookie monster shit.

It's not exactly uncommon to have that 6th sense for death metal.
We can all put on a fucking cryptopsy album and realise straight away that it's the true death metal shit.

And when it comes to melodic death metal, i personally dont let one word ruin the way i classify the bands. its just 3 words that makes it easy to recognize a certain group of bands, and if the word "death" fucks that all up for you, then so be it, but whatever way you spin it, you're probably looking way too deep into it.

i have no problem with putting bands into tidy little genre boxes, because pretty much everything i listen to can be classified with as few as two words
even the truly bonkers shit that has so many elements from so many different places can all fit together quite tidily under "Avant-Garde"
it may not be precise and perfect, but goddamn at least i'm not on an internet forum arguing over what constitutes death metal and what doesnt.
I think you're one of the few, rare people that actually gives a fuck.
Hey Dodo, do I give a fuck? Of course. Death metal is a big part of me, has been for 20 odd years. It has become one of my biggest passions and I love to chat about it. As do the others who have replied, they give a fuck to, and that's good. I put a statement out there that said, "It cracks me up when I hear bands being called Melodic Death Metal" and people chimed in on the subject, some asked why (and I answered them) and some told me why it should be (and I answered them back). It's good to hear others point of view, and I have always tried to explain myself thoroughly, although I am not that good when it comes to English, I wish I could explain things better some times, like JBroll does. I always write stuff like I am talking to a mate, you know, blah blah blah and he replies, "garn get fucked" and I would reply, "deep in your arse!". We laugh, but we will still put our opinions over, whilst still laughing, but when you read posts, it sometimes comes out different than it says, so I always take it as laughable, anything I read. It has never become an arguement, it's opinions being traded between people who do care, nothing wrong with that, I don't go on forums, and post on subjects I don't care about, I post to expand my knowledge on subjects and post the odd stupid comment for a bit of humour.

I post. Some will like, some will not care and some will dislike, butbin the end I will always try to post, to the best of my ability, the why's and hows. I won't post, no that's dribble, and piss off, I try and explain why I would say something like that, and that won't be to everyones taste, but if I don't ask or say, I will never find out.
I just find it amusing is all bro
because those guide lines can be applied to so many other genres haha
Yeah true, I understand that, as many have said and I don't deny that, but those 5 ingredients don't make up 80% or more of most bands that have them. Like Converge, I listened to 6 odd songs on you tube, after your recomendation on another thread, and I like them, especially that 7 min song that sounds a lot like slayer, cool, and they have shades of the 5 ingredients but it's rarely all there.

I showed some mates the band and asked them to tell me what genre they thought they were. 3 said punk, 2 said thrash and I said thrash and groove ( like a cross between Napalm death and Slayer) pretty cool. That singing is horrid to me but apart from that I dig what I have heard so far, but as for death metal, nah, shades of it yes, some slayer, some napalm, some little korn bits etc, bugger all death though.
i threw converge out there as a loose example off the top of my head
but when you say like "x musical elements = y genre" it all ends up being pretty fucking loose
converge has fast drums, thrashy guitars, agression in spades, unrelenting brutality, filthy vocals (on the opposite end of the pitch spectrum, sure) but it's all very hardcore punk sounding
when it comes to genre classifications, it's way more about the feel of the music, something you just know, you feel it in your fucking guts
when i listen to converge i think filthy hardcore, when i listen to decrepit birth i think filthy death metal, despite the fact the two bands have a fuck load of vague musical elements in common.
genre names are little more than tags with give to coincide with the feel of certain types of bands, and my point is ultimately, who cares if at the gates and in flames are classified as melodic DEATH metal (deathy or not) as long as that particular tag recalls a certain sound, image and feel, which im sure for all of us, it does.