Melodic death Metal

I don't really consider early At The Gates, early Unanimated, or Necrophobic to be particularly "melodic" enough to merit the term.

You have a point, but they are actually DM bands with melody. A lot of bands in this thread are simply not DM to begin with and have melody.
At the Gates - Gardens of Grief
At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
Dark Tranquillity - Skydancer
A Canorous Quintet - As Tears
A Canorous Quintet - Silence of the World Beyond
In Thy Dreams - Stream of Dispraised Souls
In Flames - Lunar Strain/Subterranean
Amon Amarth - Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds

To name a few.

Add The Gallery and Once Sent From The Golden Hall and I love you forever
I'm not a fan of this type of Melodic Death Metal...but it's probably going to be the next wave of Melodic Death's a review..From the north of Spain comes this promising band. Powerful Melodic Death Metal decorated with taste, potent riffs, progressive passages, involved melodies, neoclassical details, piercing and melodic voices... the base is without doubt death metal, the result of all their influences is... WALDHEIM.
If they got rid of the out-of-place female vocals this'd be awesome.
At The Gates (early) does not have enough melody to qualify as being "death metal with melody".

Gardens of Grief is indeed old school DM. The Red In The Sky Is Ours on the other hand is very melodic while still being pure DM(and same goes for say Edge of Sanity).
The songs' 'Within' and 'Windows' are pretty damn melodic. I agree it's not really consistantly melodic throughout, though.
the eternal batle for the best album in my book

A lot of people say the first three ATG albums are way better than Slaughter o. t. s. and that's overrated. There is no song that would not be perfect. The sound is just out of this world in comparison to first album, like there would be a timeframe of 5 years in between. Shame there will be no new album, but as Anders Bjorler said, if they made it you wouldn't want it to be made afterwards. Don't like The Haunted in any case, something has gone horribly wrong in this case after 1996. Alf Svennson come back. Damn this man left the band and started to work for a computed company to creat video games, not that I hated video games but, come on ... :/

As for Black dahlia murder, Miasma is good but pretty boring, as for Nocturnal is has some rubbish songs and some unique masterpieces (Deathmask divine, Everything went black, Nocturnal)
None of those could never top Elder misanthropy though.

In flames - my favourite band of all times. Embody the invisible THE song of all songs. Come clarity the most perfect sound, Colony and Jester race very close up CC's arse. Don't really like the new direction with all my heart but I'll live with it ... untill the next album. Rock album - I hope not. A shame that they are a complete trade mark nowdays, if IF was Jesper's baby and not Bjorn's we would still hear older sound in the new album. The only hope for that should be Tilt, which is not even on the album.

Dark tranquillity - Character and Fiction it only gets better.
Old albums - can't dig into those thing so much, till don't know why maybe The sun fired blanks and Punish my heaven are real classics but other stuff, it really sounds too old for me.

As for Dimesion zero - two genious guitarists from In flames and Soilwork create magic with this cd.

Black dahlia murder may be the closest to Slaughter of the soul ripoff and worhip, but Killwitch engage got a lot form it aswell.

Slaughter of the soul transforming into metalcore is the best thing that happened to metal. I mean those band secure the future
and worship our legacy, there are a bunch of crap bands, but there's so many of them so so many ......
You are entitled to that opinion of course, but I must disagree on all points.

Colony was the biggest disappointment back then. I stomped that disc.

Your comment about Alf Svensson confuses me; as he left the band after With Fear, not SOTS. Alf's style is exponentially different and more technical than Anders'. If you didn't like the early music than you don't prefer Alf's composing.

...or did I just fall for a joke?
My mistake, I misread that Alf didn't compose SOTS. I actully thought, he only composed SOTS, damn it didn't make sense. Don't like the old material very much.

listen better. TRitSiO is by far ATG's best material. It takes awhile to appreciate it's 'vastness' or scope (complex arrangements, specifically) but it is worth it.
You should listen to Terminal Spirit Disease if you haven't already. It is still simple (verse, chorus, verse, chorus) but it might help you to appreciate the older music more as it is more gritty than SOTS and a bit more complex as well. Just work backwards through the discography. By the time you hit the technical death of The Red in the Sky you might have the patience to listen.
I like Slaughter of the Soul, Character, Fiction, Colony and to a lesser extent the first BDM album but srsly. o_O
Terminal Spirit Disease sucks and am not sure what is worse that album or WFIKTBD.
I don't know why no one talks about Mercenary anymore, not that there's much to talk about. The Hours that Remain was by far my favorite (non-Dark tranquility) Melodic Death Metal album, and it deserves much more praise than it gets. They deffinately went downhill after that, but I say they still deserve atleast one or two comments every once in a while.

Then again the biggest argument on Mercenary and probably the biggest reason they dont't get mentioned on this thread is the controversy as to whether they are Melodic Death Metal, or Progressive. Here's my argument. Listen to Symphony X and then Nevermore, then listen to Mercenary and tell me they belong in the same genre. Mercenary is Melodic Death Metal.