Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Cattle Decapitation - A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
6/10. I kinda liked this one. Good variance of vocal styles.

The Scorpions - Another Piece of Meat
5/10. The musics OK, just doesn't do a whole lot for me.

Napalm Death - Apex Predator Easy Meat
6/10. I appreciated the atmosphere on this one. Pretty effective in its minimalism.

Stone - Meat Mincing Machine
5/10. I like that the title has three Ms. Otherwise, the song was alright.

Eaten Alive - Meatgrinder
4/10. Decent enough guitar work but really nothing stands out to me here.

Paul Chain - Meat
6/10. Decent song, held my interest.

Autopsy - Meat
7/10. Nice intro and good changes of tempo. I likey.

Aardvarks - Meat
7/10. Great vocals on this one. Badass guitar solo too.

Old Man Gloom - Shoulder Meat
7/10. Good incorporation of ambiance into a great sludge song, though the end bit is a little overlong...

AntropomorphiA - Chunks of Meat
6/10. Middle of the road but not unenjoyable.

Wehrmacht - Concrete Meat
6/10. Short and sweet with some great bass work.

Brotha Lynch Hung - Meat Cleaver
3/10. Granted rap isn't my favorite genre but definitely not feeling this one.

Judas Priest - Dead Meat
6/10. Decent enough, good sense of melody.
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Cattle Decapitation - A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat 3/10

I thought that this was annoying.

The Scorpions - Another Piece of Meat 6.5/10

This isn't one of the better songs that I've heard by them.

Napalm Death - Apex Predator Easy Meat 6/10

This was just okay.

Stone - Meat Mincing Machine 7/10

Not bad at all.

Eaten Alive - Meatgrinder 3/10

No thanks.

Paul Chain - Meat 8/10

Cool doom.

Autopsy - Meat 7/10

Solid but not great.

Aardvarks - Meat 6/10


Old Man Gloom - Shoulder Meat 4/10

I don't like this kind of music.

AntropomorphiA - Chunks of Meat 6/10


Wehrmacht - Concrete Meat 7/10

Not bad.

Brotha Lynch Hung - Meat Cleaver 2/10

Not for me.

Judas Priest - Dead Meat 5/10

Not one of the better Judas Priest songs.

I might have been more generous here than normal because I care less about this one than the other two games.
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Yeah hoping to keep this the chill less popular one anyways. No rush on those reviews, do it when you're bored.
Cattle Decapitation
"A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat"
: fucking disgusting, musically its a 4/10
: not my thing 7/10
Napalm Death - Apex Predator - Easy Meat
: This is fucking stupid and sucks 0/10
Stone - Meat Mincing Machine
: ok 7/10
Eaten Alive - Meatgrinder
: ok 7/10
: interesting 7/10
Autopsy - Meat
:best so far 9/10
Better then most 8/10
Old Man Gloom - Shoulder Meat
Decent 7/10
Antropomorphia "Chunks of Meat"

Will rate the rest later

There will be 6 ratings once Redstorm has finished his, nowhere near enough. I might rate this one tomorrow or Wednesday since I've done the current metal and non-metal one. Can't say I'm excited about most of the stuff on this list, though.
I'll get my ratings sometime today. I apologize, life has been kinda hectic so I haven't had time for any more than a quick drive-by post here or there.
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Yeah. Sorry been having a lot of hours at work, which has resulted in my lack of posting. Tonight's my only day off so unless you all want to wait until later tonight, you may as well just tally now.
Cattle Decapitation - A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat - 2/10
I got an ad for Oikos Greek yogourt before this song and honestly the ad was more entertaining than the song. I don't get Cattle Decapitation.

The Scorpions - Another Piece of Meat - 7/10
Aside from a little bit of awkwardness in the riffing, this song rocks hard.

Napalm Death - Apex Predator Easy Meat - 2/10
I dig Napalm Death, but I don't understand this song... it's just strange.

Stone - Meat Mincing Machine - 5/10
Some parts absolutely rip. Some parts sound very awkward. This song epitomizes third-tier thrash imo.

Eaten Alive - Meatgrinder - 9/10
Pretty sick death metal. I really enjoy this, very good songwriting.

Paul Chain - Meat 7/10
Bit repetitive, but I can appreciate the atmosphere they intended for the song. Solid.

Autopsy - Meat - 7/10
Dynamic, dark, and putrid as fuck. Good death metal.

Aardvarks - Meat - 8/10
This rules tbh. Very nice riffing.

Old Man Gloom - Shoulder Meat - 6/10
I dig this to an extent. It doesn't really connect on first go, but on repeat listens I could see myself absorbing more of it.

AntropomorphiA - Chunks of Meat - 5/10
This is another one of those "I dig some parts but then not so much others" songs.

Wehrmacht - Concrete Meat 4/10
Not digging this.

Brotha Lynch Hung - Meat Cleaver - 10/10
Guy has mad flow, and the production on that beat is top-notch. I get the feeling that some of the folks that downrated it (not everyone here, but some) did so because "ew rap" and it makes me laugh.

Judas Priest - Dead Meat - 4/10
Not one of Priest's best.
I'll tally this up in approximately six hours. You have until then to submit reviews.