Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Witchaven - 10/10 sick riffs, evil sounding, well timed changes of pace, nice guitar solo.
Bathory - 8/10 Great song, but too long and not quite as interesting as the last one. Still interesting.
At the Gates - 7/10 Much better than I thought it would be. Think I had only heard their newer stuff. Decent quality death metal.
Slauter Xstroyes - 8/10 Why does the band name sound so familiar? I can dig this. The vocals are fun.
Suffocation - 7/10 The riffs could be better in some parts.
Hail Spirit Noir - 9/10 Interesting mix. I haven't heard this since 2014. The bass guitar is sexy in this, + a point for the xylophone lol.
Exodus - 7/10 Such an obvious choice. Overrated somewhat. Standard thrash.
Helstar - 8/10 I can't decide if HBB submitted this one or Exodus. Great album.
The Chasm - 9/10 Their best album, and a high quality death metal song. There's a reason they're in the Hall of Fame already.
Morbid Angel - 7/10 Been seeing a lot of these guys on here lately. It's alright, doesn't touch Altars though.
Judas Priest - 9/10 Rob really sings out on this one, love the intro. Man then it gets super retro 80's style. This is Eye of the Tiger Rocky Balboa type stuff.

Damn, I think this is the first time I've rated every song a 7 or above. GG.
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At the Gates - 7/10 Much better than I thought it would be. Think I had only heard their newer stuff. Decent quality death metal.

dude. check out the full album pls, interested to know what someone with your tastes thinks of it. i think most people would agree that is one of the weakest songs on there.
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This forum seems to be full of black metal haters.

I actually can't say for sure it is the best Graveland song because I've only listened to In the Glare of Burning Churches, The Celtic Winter and the first 3 full lengths in any depth. I should look more into the later stuff.
there's loads of really enjoyable graveland stuff beyond that (though usually more inconsistent, overlong, surface-level etc), but THOUSAND SWORDS is just something else, man. i don't know what drugs he was on when he made that record but it's probably the most inspired shit of the whole genre and came pretty much out of nowhere.
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Witchaven, The Golden Rings of Blood - 7/10, awesome, vicious black thrash.
Bathory, Blood Fire Death - 9.5/10, one of Bathory's most renowned here, and for damn good reasons, it's essentially a thundering black metal tune with haunting, epic choral bits interspersed with murderous, crushing guitar and the guttural ferocity of Quorthon's vocals (plus its proggy length allows so much to happen).
At The Gates, Night Comes, Blood Black - 7/10, I must say I wasn't expecting this to be anywhere near as good as it was. Fantastically angry and cacophonous.
Slauter Xstroyes, Blood In The Streets - 8.5/10, This is just too awesome, from the screeching vocals to the chugging and fleet fingered guitar, this is one of those songs you could punch someone half to death to (while making gloating derp faces at the camera like Cronos in the Nightmare video). Kudos for the psychedelic, multicolored, neanderthal Jim Morrison looking shit on the cover too.
Suffocation, Thrones of Blood - 5/10, Who in the everloving fuck let the constipated colostomy bag patient onto the mic? Other than that, it's meh, not the worst, not great (Well, the guitar solo is good for the two nanoseconds it lasts).
Hail Spirit Noir, Blood Guru - 7/10, Intriguing little number with some bizarre bending on the guitar, particularly in the intro.
Exodus, Bonded By Blood - 8/10, A thrash metal standard.
Helstar, Baptized In Blood - 8/10, Soaring vocals, great guitar.
The Chasm, Revenge Rises/Drowned In The Mournful Blood - 9/10, Relentless, inexorable beast of a song where literally the only "let up" is in some of the non-vocal tremolo-picked guitar parts. Essentially two modes with it: rape you mercilessly against the concrete at 200 mph and sluggishly piston punch your brains onto the tarmac. Fucking brilliant.
Morbid Angel, Blood On My Hands - 8.5/10, Very comparable to the previous song in terms of energy levels, except with even less remorse in how hard it knocks you off your ass and full-frontal into a boulder.
Judas Priest, Blood Red Skies - 10/10, Absolutely divine performance from Halford here, one of his very best in a studio setting, and the epic twin guitar lightning rod that is K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton is in full, pulverizing swing.
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