MJR's opinion about nu-metal

sorry didnt even think to yodel :lol:

and i think no ones done it yet coz it SUCKS.. not that its stopped crap from leaking through into metal before i suppose..

back on this thread topic - sort of - i was reading someones amazon list today and they ranted about nu-metal, or 'raprock' as they called it because to quote: 'there's nothing even remotely metal about it' .. anyway i thought raprock was a good term and from here on out that is what i shall call it..
^ i know lots of people that listen to it.. the only shit music that REALLY bothers me tho is punk and emo.. i get all this pent up rage happening when i hear it.. that and michael bolton or celine dion.. someone help me :(

How can you hate Michael Bolton?!!!!?!?!?!?!?

I agree with you on the Emo subject. That's all the radios play these days is that garbage. Emo consists of castrated males screeching in to microphones about how their 15 yr old girlfriend broke up with them and they'll never love again, and how horrible their life is because their parents won't let them smoke and drink. All the while playing 2 chords mindlessly through their entire "song".

They wear black clothing and pretend their rebels and rebelling against a society that hates them. When all their doing is making themselves look like ass clowns.

I also love it when an emo person tells you to name a real emo band.

Emo: Fine tehn, name me a real emo bands lolz!

Me: Uhh, My chemical romance?

Emo: OMGZ leik THAT"S NOT TEH EMO!!! THIS IS TEH EMOZ!! (insert a obscure band name that no one has ever heard of before).

Me: Ok...
^I've had that conversation before.

Montu Sekhmet said:
Me: Fine tehn, name me a real metal bands lolz!

them: Uhh, Slipknot?

Me: OMGZ leik THAT"S NOT TEH METALZ!!! THIS IS TEH METALZ!! (insert a obscure band name that no one has ever heard of before).