MJR's opinion about nu-metal

psted by Yng-vai X
I don't see anything wrong with the way I've seen Gamma Ray dress. Its just a part of bein metal, the biker jackets, black jeans/leather pants, long hair, etc. I mean, I dress like that lol. I think thats a LOT more palatable than some idiot wearing pants that fall off his ass.
Also, I dont recall any powermetal bands dressing up like LotR characters hehehe.

Symphony X dressed up like LotR's characters in the DWoT booklet. lol.

Rhapsody dress up like LotR particularly luca.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Symphony X dressed up like LotR's characters in the DWoT booklet. lol.

Rhapsody dress up like LotR particularly luca.

Nah, those are just poet shirts, I have two of em, they're very comfy. When I mean LotR characters I mean wearing elf ears and pointy gandalf hats and shit LOL that would be funny!

I think the closest anyone's gotten to dressin like LotR characters has been Russell in his medieval times garb ;)

But what the hell was SyX and their photographer thinking in the DWoT booklet??!! Wats up with the pirate suits????
In Rhapsody's "Dawn of Victory" (NO joke - its it's real name)

In the center page of the booklet they all are wearing black pirate suits and they all are holding some swords. They have their heads tilted back to make them look all royal and all.
And above all this, they are also standing around the funniest little goblin character in a throne.!!! ]

The funniest pic in a music booklet ever. Apart from mabey Dooly Parton.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
In Rhapsody's "Dawn of Victory" (NO joke - its it's real name)

In the center page of the booklet they all are wearing black pirate suits and they all are holding some swords. They have their heads tilted back to make them look all royal and all.
And above all this, they are also standing around the funniest little goblin character in a throne.!!! ]

The funniest pic in a music booklet ever. Apart from mabey Dooly Parton.

To make myself sound like a geek, not only do I know all the names of each sword they are holding, I know where to buy them too :p
Hey man! i like rhapsody!!!! sure, they are cheesy as all hell and dress dumb and have that fuckin' goblin thing, but if you can get past the extreme, EXTREME cheese factor, they aren't that bad! Also, i would say that image is not a big thing to me. THis is a personal oppinion so i have the right to be hypocritical. Ok, for the stuff i listen to, image is not a factor. I am talking about dimmu borgir, rhapsody, etc. etc. I don't listen to any hardcore black metal... dimmu is as far as i will go because they have great music (try listening to puritanical euphoric misanthropia sometime). Anyway, the point is that behind the goofy image there is some great music. The problem with nu-metal is that it's like punk was back in the day of the sex pistols... they focus more on image and attitude than actual musicianship. Also, another reason why nu-metal sucks (yes, generalization! i know not ALL nu-metal sucks, don't bitch) is there is no guitar or vocal work involved. They might have a good drummer (in the case of slipknot or mudvayne) or a good bassist (again, mudvayne) but the other members are useless (i am not talking about mudvayne or slipknot here, i am GENERALIZING). So... that's why it sucks. By the way... has anyone by chance heard the original slipknot album "mate, feed, kill, repeat"? It's pretty killer... especially "gently"... i almost shit myself when i heard that song was by them.
Seeing as that I haven't ever read this post before...

I know everyone has their own opinions, but here's mine:

I hate (or have an extreme dislike if you think hate is too strong) nu-metal, not just because of the image, but because there is little creativity or musicianship and I just find it boring to listen to... and annoying. I used to love Nu-metal until I discovered that there are far better musicians and bands out there making heaps better music...
haha, you're way too nice man. No problem with having an oppinion and stating your true oppinion and standing up for it. People will disagree with you sometimes, that's part of life.

reference to your previous post btw.
I wanted to actually have a reason...

Usually I would just have said: I hate Nu-metal, it's just gay, and it sucks, and anyone that plays it sucks, and anyone that likes it is an idiot, but then I would sound like all the idiots on the Opeth and Nevermore forums who flamed me for liking Symphony X and Dream Theater...

This way I at least sound sophisticated when I flame the Nu-metal heathen into oblivion... :heh:
This thread is kind of funny.. I think good music is good music. Nowadays, I don´t really care what "kind of metal" I listen to, as long as there are good melodies, intelligent lyrics, in whole a song that moves me in some way. It´s not meant to sound cheesy, but saying music is better just because the musicians are great virtuosos is beyond me... That just being closed minded IMHO.