Most overrated bands

what genre are we speaking of? artsy fartsy black metal is hardly a genre. but just to bunk your claim, I enjoy Fleurety and Sigh. So yes, Arcturus. BAN, DSO and Solefald are overrated.
Fair enough I suppose.

Couldn't possibly agree with you about Arcturus though. You've got one of metal best vocalists in Garm, one of the best drummers in Hellhammer and one of the best keyboardists in Steinar Sverd Johnsen and they pretty much revitalised a stale black metal scene with Aspera Hiems Symphonia, and followed it up with two entirely different but equally brilliant albums. And unlike Sigh, whose efforts to incorporate other influences often seems forced and random, each Arcturus track and album works as a whole.
byrne said:
nope. before i listened to blood inside (which was by far and away the worst album i heard the year it came out) i had also heard bergttat. funnily enough, that also sucked. :kickass:

listen to Nattens Madrigal and that might change your opinion.
challenge_everything said:
Fair enough I suppose.

Couldn't possibly agree with you about Arcturus though. You've got one of metal best vocalists in Garm, one of the best drummers in Hellhammer and one of the best keyboardists in Steinar Sverd Johnsen and they pretty much revitalised a stale black metal scene with Aspera Hiems Symphonia, and followed it up with two entirely different but equally brilliant albums. And unlike Sigh, whose efforts to incorporate other influences often seems forced and random, each Arcturus track and album works as a whole.

Agreed, but they didn't revive black metal.
challenge_everything said:
they pretty much revitalised a stale black metal scene with Aspera Hiems Symphonia

A lot of bands are simply overrated because they have 1,2 great cds and a bunch of crap.

A lot of bands on my list I don't think actually suck also. It's just a lot of them seem to be stuck in between not being bad but not being great. good for the most part does not cut it for me.
i wouldn't call arcturus over-rated but i do think that about garms vocal performance on La Masquerade. personally i think that simen hestnaes does the more theatrical/dramatic thing better. i do however enjoy garm on the sham mirrors and symphonia album. different approaches on both of them but both done well.
Garm wasn't on Sideshow Symphonies (unless you meant Aspera Hiems Symphonia).

And yes, Garm and Simen certainly have very different vocal styles but they both fit the same music quite well, not just with Arcturus, but Borknagar also.
I honestly think that Arcturus' La Masquerade Infernale is an excellent album- a great tribute to Devil Doll- with a wacky carnivalesque atmosphere and tastefully integrated electronics it's been a favorite since my "indiscriminate"
era and has successfully crossed with me into the much belated "it's so cool to feel kvlt" period.(I'm in my mid-twenties) As a result of this transition most of the stuff I had been listening to, turned to crap but Arcturus was one of the few survivivors of this "wtf was I listening to all these years" crisis.

I also enjoy Fleurety(first album), Sigh, some In the Woods and Ulver(haven't listened to much of the post-Nattens Madrigal material, though), Ved Buens Ende, whom I simply worship. Written in Waters is, in my opinion, the best thing that came out of Norway(alongside Cadaver's ...In Pains)

I've given up on Solefald(the epitome of tedium, imo) and later Dodheimsgard-their music just doesn't do anything for me
Exploring experimental soundscapes was once a great passion of mine but I'm not as excited about it nowadays. Perhaps at a later phase I'll get to rekindle it

Uhh anyway, as for my choice of the most overrated band- I'm gonna agree with J-Solefald and add Akercocke

As for these so called elite bands:
At the Gates(never understood the appeal)
Seance( pretty bland and forgettable imo)- uh, wait they're actually considered underrated, nevermind then
Demilich(got tired of them. Wicked Innocence are more dynamic and interesting)
you just said suffocation and metallica are overated....just go fuck off with your nu metal bullshit then if you cant accept real music
zim18 said:
you just said suffocation and metallica are overated....just go fuck off with your nu metal bullshit then if you cant accept real music

Yeah I must like nu metal bullshit since I think 2 of the most talked about bands in metal existence are overrated. Suffocation is a generic death metal band that spawned a thousand other generic death metal bands that sound EXACTLY the same as them. Metallica had 4 good albums and the rest are total shit and they are praised as THE metal band.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Suffocation is a generic death metal band
They invented a whole new style so I don't think they are generic. Overrated is debatable depending on how well you like that new style.

dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
that spawned a thousand other generic death metal bands that sound EXACTLY the same as them.

fo_shizzle said:
Why the hell would they Black Sabbath are not overrated. They created metal, anyone who has a go at you for listening to Sabbath is 1. A fucking prick who knows nothing about metal and 2. is just a tosser.
reading > you
Zephyrus said:
Garm wasn't on Sideshow Symphonies (unless you meant Aspera Hiems Symphonia).

And yes, Garm and Simen certainly have very different vocal styles but they both fit the same music quite well, not just with Arcturus, but Borknagar also.

yeah man, i was refering to the symphonia album, just couldn't recall the exact title. cant remember the song but garm does one of the sickest screams ever on that album.