Most overrated bands

The Greys said:
Metal is about unity and a commen interest. If you think metal is about hate you are taking things to seriously.... don't go kill anyone and go to jail because metal is image.
Youre missing the point i am sick of the PC police on this site defending these
nu-metal emo fagtards and shit i am a liberal.
The Greys said:
Metal is about unity and a commen interest. If you think metal is about hate you are taking things to seriously.... don't go kill anyone and go to jail because metal is image.

The thing is, a lot of you take your music way too seriously. If someone comes on here, and says that they like Korn, Slipknot, As I Lay Dying (I don't like those bands, btw), or some other metalcore or nu-metal band, he'll have a million people saying things like "j00 r a emo fag!!1!!1", or "stfu j00 have shitty taste in music n00b!1!1". If anyone remembers the little incident that happened last night, with the one guy who said he liked TBS and Dashboard Confessional. That was my friend who did that. He came on just to mess with you people after I told him that you guys hate some of the music he likes.
If anyone thinks Black Sabbath is overrated has never listened to their music first off. Doesn't know shit about metal, or even music. Needs to fucking shoot themselves for their blasphemy. And needs to understand that they weren't just "huge innovators." They are THE FUCKING INNOVATORS.
immo said:
And someone please explain why are Bathory, Burzum and Summoning overrated.

never listened to Summoning. but Bathory and Burzum are two bands that do not deserve to be pigeonholed as overrated.
Xeroth said:
I must agree with Metallica being overrated, I really can't get into their music at all. Don't know what the fuss is all about. The first album is good though.
The first five are great. Especially RTL and MOP. Fucking essential metal albums. Blows the shit out of the Killswitch Engage crap you like. New Metallica of course is garbage.
Life Sucks said:
Many seem to think that they are the best metal band ever. They are not. They may have been the first, but definitely not the best. They were obviously huge innovators, but in terms of talent and songwriting ability, I can think of many metal bands that have them beat.
I wouldn't say they are the best but they are certainly high on the list.
Life Sucks said:
Well, they invented metal, and are thus an important metal band. But many of their songs consist of three simple riffs that are often repeated in a cyclical pop song structure
So what if many of their songs do? What matters is whether the songs are good and they most certainly are. A simple track like Paranoid is a hundred times better than this ultra-tech bullshit that people listen to now.