Movie Quotes


Feb 8, 2003
New York
Hmmm.... I think it might be time for another nice non-music-related thread to distract us all from the things that we are supposed to be doing in life, like working, etc. :)

Here's a movie quote challenge... I'll start by giving a famous line from a movie, then whoever responds with the movie the quote comes from and the person who said it (I'll accept character or actor) gives the next quote. (Short dialogue excerpts are also welcome.)

Let's see, I'll start with something easy:

"It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched miserable servile pathetic trash that was ever shat on civilization. Some people hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to get colonized by. We're ruled by effete assholes. It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!"
No no, not Braveheart. That is Renton (Ewan McGregor) from one of the greatest movies of all time, Trainspotting!

OK here's one:
"You get me slapped with a fine, you argue with the customers and I have to patch everything up, you get us thrown out of a funeral by violating the corpse, and then to top it off, you ruin my relationship. I mean, what's your encore? Do you, like, anally rape my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank?"
Heh heh. I didn't remember that, but I figured it out by just trying to think of what movie could possibly have such brilliant writing! But, I will resist answering and give somebody else a chance to chime in. :)
JayKeeley said:
No no, not Braveheart. That is Renton (Ewan McGregor) from one of the greatest movies of all time, Trainspotting!

OK here's one:
"You get me slapped with a fine, you argue with the customers and I have to patch everything up, you get us thrown out of a funeral by violating the corpse, and then to top it off, you ruin my relationship. I mean, what's your encore? Do you, like, anally rape my mother while pouring sugar in my gas tank?"

THAT my friend is Dante Hicks from the all time classic "Clerks". Awesome movie that should not be missed by anyone who loves fantastic dialogue and is not offended by **ahem** a little raunch.

Here's one for ya:

"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin....I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."
That's NEO from The Matrix. He says that right before flying away and leaving us with that crappy Rage Against the Machine song.

Try this:

"I should of known way back when. You know why, David? Because of the kids.......They called me Mr. Glass."
Mr Glass....Sam Jackson....Unbreakable. Very unfairly dismissed I think - that might be my favorite Shyamalan flick.

OK here's a quick one:

"The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, but powerful. So don't listen, remember that, do not listen."
Dude - that could be the quickest response ever. Nice one. Yep it was Max (playing Father Merrin). You guessed it so you have to give us another quote....:)
Try this one. It will probably be a little tough though.

"Dear Roberta Sparrow, I have reached the end of your book and there are so many questions that I need to ask you. Sometimes I am afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I am afraid this is not a work of fiction. I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep. I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to."
"Every living thing dies alone" says Grandma Death.

That's a clue to the above...I'll leave it for someone else to figure out because it's very cool.
That was a tough one, but I'll take it - it's Donnie Darko. Nice one!

OK, see if you can get this:

Character 1: This guys methodical, exacting, and worst of all -- patient.
Character 2: He's a nut bag. Just because the fucker's got a library card, doesn't make him Yoda.
easy. that's Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt in Se7en.

Character 1: "Careful you idiot. I said across her nose, not up it"
Character 2: "Sorry sir, doing my best."
1: "Who made that man a gunner?"
3: "I did sir, he's my cousin"
1: "Who is that?"
4: "He's an asshole sir."
1: I know that. What's his name?"
4: "That is his name. Asshole. Major Asshole"
1: "And his cousin?"
4: "He's an Asshole to sir. Gunner first class Philip Asshole."
1: "How many assholes we got on this ship anyhow?"
many characters: "YO!"
1: "I knew it. I'm surrounded by Assholes. Keep firing Assholes!"
Space Balls.

"EAT YOUR BEANS!!!" --is from???

(hint: loosely related to a movie mentioned in this thread)
Well, it doesn't look like anyone is getting that last one, so until we get another hint, I'll throw a new one in:

Character 1: Why would she have you meet her in a bar at 10 in the morning?
Character 2: I just figured she was a raging alcoholic!
I wish I had something to offer to this thread, but since my brain is so damaged, I can only come up with lame, obvious quotes like:

"I had a few words with my God, and he says I'm gonna get through this ok. But as for you, you're fucked!"
I'll just give the answer, it's Jason Lee in Drawing Flies, which was produced by Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier. Awesome movie, it's called "the lost View Askew film." I recommend it, especially since the DVD is around $10. :D

Haddsie's quote sounds like something in a John Cusack movie, but I can't place it. Markgugs I have no idea, sounds like something out of the Preacher comic book. :lol: