My Concerts For This Year So Far...

I would love to see him in Chicago, but I already have tickets to see Kiss on the same day and my wife really wants to go. Should be a fun night either way!:Smokin:

The way I see it, you have the chance to see the world's greatest live band (fact) or a washed up circus act. Come on, do the right thing. You can always buy your wife a Kiss dvd so she can see Gene's tongue! ;)
The way I see it, you have the chance to see the world's greatest live band (fact) or a washed up circus act. Come on, do the right thing. You can always buy your wife a Kiss dvd so she can see Gene's tongue! ;)

Marriage is a tight rope walk. One misstep and you're dead. Things have been a little rough with us lately. If I don't take her to this show after promising her, it'll cost my half my shit for the rest of my life.

So, yeah, Kiss it is.:lol:
I ordered tickets for The Who, Rob Zombie/Marilyn Manson, Down, and UFO. That should about finish out the year for me.
I was thinking about trying to go see Def Leppard/Poison/Lita Ford but I don't know if it is going to happen.
Yes, I grew up during the 80's Metal Days. I've seen both Def Leppard and Poison twice, really want to see Lita Ford for the first time.

Lita's playing a pretty short set, so if she's the main reason for going, you may want to wait until she's playing a club show headlining near you.

I would go just for a fun overall night. You only live once.:hotjump:
Going to the Allstate Arena in a few hours to see System Of A Down and the Deftones. I'm not really familiar with the Deftones, only heard a couple of songs. Always willing to give an opener a chance.
Iron Maiden - Aug 18th
Street Dogs - Sept 7th
Negative Approach - Sept 20th
Hot Water Music - Sept 22nd
Kreator/Accept - Sept 30th
Morbid Angel - Oct 18th
Primus 3D tour - Nov 7th
Iron Maiden - Aug 18th
Kreator/Accept - Sept 30th

Iron Maiden were great in Chicago, and from the reviews I've read, the whole tour.

I wanted to see Kreator/Accept, but they're playing the same night as Rush and I already had my Rush ticket.
System Of A Down were so damn good! They had the crowd going nuts all night!

Deftones made a new fan last night!
Says the guy that likes Asking Alexandria. I know you're trying really hard, but you ought to just stop now and save yourself further embarrassment. My previous comment must've really got under your skin enough to call me a 'dumb faggot', then to further respond with this drivel, and for that I feel sorry for you. But it gives me immense comic relief to know that what I say could mean so much to someone on here. :rolleyes:
                       Date  Band              Venue
     Friday, March 23, 2012  GWAR              Headliners-Toledo
   Saturday, March 24, 2012  Mobile Deathcamp  Laughing Bear
     Saturday, June 2, 2012  Danzig W/Doyle    Fillmore Detroit
      Friday, June 15, 2012  Six Feet Under    Harpo's
   Wednesday, July 18, 2012  Iron Maiden       DTE Energy Music Theatre
      Sunday, July 22, 2012  Mayhem Festival   DTE Energy Music Theatre
      Friday, July 27, 2012  Mobile Deathcamp  Nuclear Lounge
 Friday, September 28, 2012  Anthrax           Harpo's
Wednesday, October 24, 2012  Primus            Fillmore Detroit
  Friday, November 23, 2012  GWAR              Harpo's
Iron Maiden were great in Chicago, and from the reviews I've read, the whole tour.

I wanted to see Kreator/Accept, but they're playing the same night as Rush and I already had my Rush ticket.

Dude yeah I saw the Maiden show the other night and they absolutely blew me away. It's amazing to see a band that old still putting 110% into what they do. Very inspiring. Easily one of the best live performances I've ever witnessed. They make most bands today look like shit.

Sorry you won't be able to see Kreator. Last time I saw them they fuckin killed it so I can't wait for this one. This and that 3D Primus show are probably my most anticipated shows for the rest of the year.
This and that 3D Primus show are probably my most anticipated shows for the rest of the year.
I am wondering how good this 3D bit is going to look with all the stage smoke, standing in the general admission area, and idiots spilling beer everywhere. I already have my tickets because Primus is always a good show. Wonder if they are passing out the old fashion red-cyan paper ones? :) Also supposed to have special "Quad Surround Sound". Wonder if that is some kind of delay effect?

Believe I read this is another double set show. I love this format instead of opening acts. :rock:
I haven't heard anything about stage smoke but I don't see how this can be anything short of amazing. I'm going to the show in Austin, TX and it's on the University of Texas campus in more of an orchestra hall-type venue, so I have seats, I think the 11th row.

Quad Surround Sound means that instead of having 2 large speakers on each side of the stage like at every concert, the sound is going to be split 4 ways between 4 large speakers at each corner of the venue. So you'll have one in front-left, front-right, back-left, and back-right. My impression is that it'll be kinda like if you have a quad surround sound stereo at home, but on a grander scale in a concert setting.

And you are correct about it being a double-set. I prefer this format too, especially for a band like Primus. I don't know if you saw the Tour De Fromage back in '03-'04 where they were doing one set of random songs and then the second set was either Frizzle Fry or Sailing the Seas of Cheese in it's entirety, depending on which leg of the tour it was (I saw Seas of Cheese). I've seen them play a regular set twice since that tour and needless to say it wasn't even close to being as good as the double-set. I'm glad they've figured out a way to outdo themselves once more by not only doing the double-set thing again, but also making it the first ever traveling live 3D concert. It's certain to be some next level shit. :hotjump: