New Songs "DISCUSSION ONLY" thread

Why cream ur pants over crappy radio rips when with a little a patience, you can have the album in ur cd player listening to it with crisp clarity? I've heard TGC and GoP, and thats what I'm sticking to, It'll be much better to hear the whole album from start to finish anyway. Gotta love the dude.
flu boy - Portugal. as i said he might pass a new song. i can't confirm you that but listen to the show. it ends at 2am ( portuguese hour )
lolol, you're so mean. i posted the link for those who are believing in you so they can hear something new since you don't share the record ( well, how could you right ? )
LOLOL longinus you are so fucking retarded
we had a great convo on msn with him sending me orchestra music and horrible metal with no vocals

It's stil lreal jean. but it's interesting how reliable some peeps are.. or did you "get" it from his audioscrobbler radio or something?