Non-Metal moderator ballot

@ belligerent

I'm with razor on this one... if I was mod I would have locked those threads instantly... this is a forum for people with developed musical tastes so it's already a given that we hate most commercial music. You don't need to prove your superiority by bashing it
I stand humbly corrected. It just seemed like you were only really into a few styles of music, mainly in the Metal/Rock categories. I'm really all over the place, but I'm not into Indie Rock or much stuff quite like that. I'm a guitarist & into a ton of guitar players spanning many genres. I listened to Spice Girls earlier (don't ask...), I just got done listening to Angra, Emperor, & Deep Purple, now I'm listening to Blind Guardian, & I'm about to listen to John Coltrane.

This really isn't about who's into what music though, it's about who would do a good job moderating, & I think you would do a great job.
Who are you directing the word "you" at?

Ok, Metalages, I am not going to get into a "he/she" is a good mod. The fact is that I am one of the most informed posters on the currents non-metal scene and I people who post here often who can support me on that statement. I also have a large amount of posts in a reasonable amount of time. Most of my posts are well informed and aid to the idea of having a discussion on music, both old and new. I think that my aid to the moderation would keep the discussion moving in an both interesting and orderly fashion. I also running a blog at the moment that caters to both metal and indie rock of all kinds. I would be glad to show you some reviews and insight on how I view and understand non-metal. I hope you understand my commitment that I would have at keeping the non-metal forum an interesting and spam-free place.
Belligerent gets my vote, simply for the way he looks(his avatar) anyone looking like that, will get respect. Alright, relax, sometimes you have to be unpopular to become popular. So, starting a couple questionable threads does not mean he could'nt do a good job. I just believe whoever gets this position, needs to have some "stones" and smarts.
I'm throwing my name into the hat (if that's possible)

If it's not possible, I vote Belligerent

I listened to non-metal before I listened to metal, but I don;t post here often, which would probably hurt my chances of becoming a mod here.

Maybe get two mods?
I'll do it!

I haven't posted here in ages though. I used to post here all the time.

Having two mods is always a good idea. It works real well in the GMD (well we have 4 but whatev)

Belligerent would probably do well also. He seems like an overall sensible fellow.
I'd gladly be a mod. I don't post here regularly but I could start to.

Belligerent gets my vote if I can't.
Either Belligerent or Bloodsword. Both seem to know what they're talking about. And they're not arguementative.
Thanks for the overwhelming votes so far guys. So if you can take The Ozzman's advice MetalAges and create a poll thread instead. Either way, I feel that I can steer the Non-Metal forum in the right direction. My musical tastes are very in depth...ranging from an insane amount of 80's pop/rock knowledge, Classic Rock, 70's Prog, and pretty much everything besides Country. Overall I'm very open minded when it comes to music and feel that I'm the best choice.
moderating isnt about what you know its about keeping the forum and topics in line, stopping personal attacks,negative topic subjects, failure to except individual preferences, stuff like that.
I would love to do so. Please keep in mind, Metal Ages, that I ahve asked and told you about this problem. I am very interested in non-metal and make a note of it. I think I would do a great job in the non-metal job moderation position.

Who are you directing the word "you" at?

Ok, Metalages, I am not going to get into a "he/she" is a good mod. The fact is that I am one of the most informed posters on the currents non-metal scene and I people who post here often who can support me on that statement. I also have a large amount of posts in a reasonable amount of time. Most of my posts are well informed and aid to the idea of having a discussion on music, both old and new. I think that my aid to the moderation would keep the discussion moving in an both interesting and orderly fashion. I also running a blog at the moment that caters to both metal and indie rock of all kinds. I would be glad to show you some reviews and insight on how I view and understand non-metal. I hope you understand my commitment that I would have at keeping the non-metal forum an interesting and spam-free place.

So Alter gets no votes....


Maybe me and Belligerent?....anyone?

Exactly how much would you pay to be a Mod? You seem really desperate to become one.