

That's about it really, and those two don't really sound like nu-metal to me much anyway.

Both bands are not very nu-metalish sounding though I would say they have inadvertently influenced the genre in some way.

BTW, I like Helmet. I haven't heard their newest but I think Size Matters and Betty are cool albums.
death metal sucks, the singers have to growl/scream everything to hide the fact that they don't know how to sing.

No. It's more difficult to growl than it is to sing 95% of the fucking time.

what do you mean, moved to non-metal? nu-metal is metal, notice the word metal.

Nu-Metal doesn't embody anything about metal. It borrows ideas from the sound of some metal instrumentally, but is more rock. Some nu-metal acts scratch the surface of metal, but not enough to actually be called metal IMHO.

BTW, I like Helmet. I haven't heard their newest but I think Size Matters and Betty are cool albums.

Betty is a really cool album. Helmet are like pre-Nu-Metal. RAtM's first album is probably the only other thing in that vicinity of music that I think it somewhat decent.
yeah, I agree nu-metal is good but I never thought SOAD was nu-metal, I thought they were like something between death metal and speed metal.

They are neither. You know nothing about metal... Nothing. But it's not too late to learn. I suggest you look into some "real" metal or become/remain a very unappreciated member here.

Some classics:

Death Metal: Death - Scream Bloody Gore
Melodic Death Metal: In Flames - Subterranean
Brutal Death Metal: Devourment - Molesting the Decapitated
Progressive/Technical Death Metal: Opeth - Blackwater Park, Atheist - Unquestionable Presence, Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
Black Metal: Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse, Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Thrash Metal: Metallica - Master of Puppets, Megadeth - Rust In Peace (Thrash is not my area)
Progressive Thrash: Toxik - Think This, Voivod - Dimension Hatröss, Watchtower - Control and Resistance
Progressive Metal: Dream Theater - Images and Words, Devin Townsend - Terria
Doom Metal: Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Warning - Watching From A Distance

(Didn't deem power metal and traditional heavy metal neccessary)
Power Metal-Blind Guardian, Helloween

Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Rhapsody, etc. Not familiar with USPM, not my thing. Either way I think this awesome guy sooner needs to familiarize himself with extreme metal and the like.


Extreme Power Metal: Wintersun - Wintersun
yeah, I agree nu-metal is good but I never thought SOAD was nu-metal, I thought they were like something between death metal and speed metal.

You are obviously in the wrong forum.
On a side note, I like a lot of nu-metal.
Deftones, Motograter, American Head Charge, SoaD, Limp Bizkit (seriously), Godsmack, Otep (not sure if they're actually nu-metal)... I find them all to be enjoyable, but none of them are metal, really. SoaD has some element on their 1st couple of albums, and Otep is closer to metal than rock imo, but stuck somewhere in between.
USPM-Jag Panzer, Iced Earth
Trad. metal- Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Angel Witch, Manowar
Nu-Metal doesn't embody anything about metal. It borrows ideas from the sound of some metal instrumentally, but is more rock. Some nu-metal acts scratch the surface of metal, but not enough to actually be called metal IMHO.

Seconded. Same goes for 80s hair metal.

Doesn't mean they aren't good rock bands, of course.

Also, I've never considered RATM to have anything to do with nu-metal and frankly this thread is the first time I've seen them mentioned as being related to it.
what do you mean, moved to non-metal? nu-metal is metal, notice the word metal.


Awesome, I'm pretty sure you're not gonna have much fun on these forums, especially if you honestly don't recognize the artistic merit of various vocal styles. The various breeds of extreme metal vocalization take every bit as much talent and skill as conventional singing; you just don't like them, or haven't become used to them.

Now, while, in my experience, all genres have strata of quality, nu metal is one of the few types of music in which I find almost no redeeming qualities. Unless you include Rage Against the Machine in the category (who I like very much), everything I've heard from this style is complete and utter garbage.

I'm an open minded fellow, though, any "good" nu metal recommendation from the community beyond the bands already brought up here? I know Deftones are a sort of favorite around these parts, maybe I should give them another try.

And yeah, this belongs in non-metal.
The only good thing about nu-metal is that it led me to find real, good metal.
And once I found that, I realized how much the nu-metal bands I listened to sucked.