Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I don't really understand what you're saying... could you explain it further? I feel like the candle is putting forth light----You don't? Do you just think I should brighten around the flame more?

Also keep in mind the painting is much larger in person, it's weird to see it so small when in reality the figures are life-size.

Well... hmm. (thinking).

Okay: put a candle on a table near a wall. Have one point light (not too bright) on the room, and take a photo of the candle on the table. See how it emits light?

Remember, a candle is not a pointlight (i.e. a directional light, akin to say, a down light or spotlight), it's light emission is circular and soft (excluding the wick and blue part of the flame).

If you take a look at the womans arm, it seems like you (the observer) are pointing a soft white light at her. Because of this, the candle's role in the painting is reduced (unless this is deliberate). This light source is confirmed again with the dull sheen on the mug (which appears to be receiving white light), and then with the shadow cast on the wall by the candle.

Highlights in this work should be yellowish because of the flame, including skin highlights.

I hope I'm making sense...
The woman's entire upper body looks strange. Which direction is she meant to be facing? The shoulders and head are squared at about 7 o'clock but then the hands and some of the clothing are too frontal. The shoulders and head do not fit with the position of the cleavage. Needs a reworking. Also what is going on with the shadow behind the unlit candle? Is the man emitting a holy light?
and the one time I dont have my knife, I end up being attacked.

if someone attacks you, what do you plan on doing? uh sir, please stop stabbing/punching/raping/robbing me....

Either accept the evil that men do (iron maiden :kickass: ) or I put the guy in some painful submission (I wrestle and train UFC). Take self defense classes if you're that scared. You call me a pussy yet you won't travel anywhere without a knife.
Well... hmm. (thinking).

Okay: put a candle on a table near a wall. Have one point light (not too bright) on the room, and take a photo of the candle on the table. See how it emits light?

Remember, a candle is not a pointlight (i.e. a directional light, akin to say, a down light or spotlight), it's light emission is circular and soft (excluding the wick and blue part of the flame).

If you take a look at the womans arm, it seems like you (the observer) are pointing a soft white light at her. Because of this, the candle's role in the painting is reduced (unless this is deliberate). This light source is confirmed again with the dull sheen on the mug (which appears to be receiving white light), and then with the shadow cast on the wall by the candle.

Highlights in this work should be yellowish because of the flame, including skin highlights.

I hope I'm making sense...

You make perfect sense. But yes there is another lightsource in the room. You can tell by the way the woman is lit and by the way the silver shines on the candlesticks and mug. If it was just that single candle, this would be a very, very dark painting. Almost like a Georges Latour, which I did think about doing, but decided against it because I would lose all the beautiful details in the wood and in the woman's clothing and jewelry, etc.
The woman's entire upper body looks strange. Which direction is she meant to be facing? The shoulders and head are squared at about 7 o'clock but then the hands and some of the clothing are too frontal. The shoulders and head do not fit with the position of the cleavage. Needs a reworking. Also what is going on with the shadow behind the unlit candle? Is the man emitting a holy light?

Here are my main references for that side of the painting... I don't really understand what you're saying about her shoulders-----shes' wearing a fur cloak. =/

:) not at all, it's actually a beautiful work, it doesn't need to be repainted. You just need to fine tune the lighting because that is what determines its dramatic strength... just do another reference shot to correctly determine or confirm your light emission and shadow casting.
I know everyone is giving you shit about it... but uhhh.... if any of you can do that besides her, id LOVE to see it. in my opinion thats absolutely fucking brilliant, and if i had a thousandth of the talent you have i'd be rich.

edit: i'll admit i know about as much about art as the dog sitting on my lap, but to me that looks cool and id buy it from you and feel sophisticated and put it in my living room and have wine parties and people with thin mustaches would come over and say "hmmrr, thaaaat painting is just exquisite, whaaar on uuuth did you get eet?"
I know everyone is giving you shit about it... but uhhh.... if any of you can do that besides her, id LOVE to see it. in my opinion thats absolutely fucking brilliant, and if i had a thousandth of the talent you have i'd be rich.

edit: i'll admit i know about as much about art as the dog sitting on my lap, but to me that looks cool and id buy it from you and feel sophisticated and put it in my living room and have wine parties and people with thin mustaches would come over and say "hmmrr, thaaaat painting is just exquisite, whaaar on uuuth did you get eet?"

There's no way I can paint like that. Draw, yes (albeit, now I have wrist problems which sucks). She's fucking good at what she does, no doubt about it.

Susperia I think your bf should shoot a short vid of you painting a work from start to finish, all to the soundtrack of "For Those Who Died". Our own resident Black Metal painter! :kickass:
you can draw like that? The only thing i've ever been good at is.... shit i've never been very good at anything. i was good enough to play minor league baseball, and then i busted my arm. so basically im shit out of luck... wow, maybe suicide is a good option.
I used to be very good at fine art, but my mother pushed me to study Computer Science. I have no regrets, my career has gone well, but, I've had problems with my hand in the last few years, it shakes a lot. I'm pretty sad about it I must say. I miss drawing and doing works with pastels and charcoals.
I can't draw or paint for shit. however, I can play instruments and write pretty 2 out of the 3 arts ain't bad

I saw four arts there... but who's counting! at least you're fifty percent, i've got jack shit! im gona space jam your ass and steal your talent through a basketball.
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