Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Blinded By Blood said:
How long have you been a lesbian?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I do agree with Neurotica and Susperia though, you are all pretty nasty about the way he dresses. I have noticed Susperia seems to always have some not-so-nice comment to make about most of the females who post on here. Hmm, maybe it's something to do with our nature, what with being human and all...most of us anyway :rolleyes:
Backyard Baby said:
Lol, jezuz christ! My cleavage photoshopped on? Im afraid not. I have no need to photoshop my cleavage or post any more pics of it. I am a curvy lass, a cleavage is part of the package.

*even more exaggerated sigh* the things which women will bitch about.
Let's talk more. :heh:
Susperia said:
Yeah my ass is pretty cool.

I was looking at it last night and noticed three hairs sticking up out of it though. You know how men have lots of pubic looking hairs all over their ass? I have like three of those, in random spots on my ass. Is that normal? The rest is peach fuzz and then I have these brownish pube hairs like in the middle of my ass cheek. :|
That's ok, you're still hot.:kickass:
~Neurotica said:
Lets talk more about Mozart, Thoth-Amon :D
Sure we can have in depth and meaninful conversations about Mozart and the other masters in between our wild, unrestrained bouts of love-making! :heh:
Thoth-Amon said:
Sure we can have in depth and meaninful conversations about Mozart and the other masters in between our wild, unrestrained bouts of love-making! :heh:
Mozart wouldn't like it...
Crimson Velvet said:
Hahahaha, poor Draconysius, I bet he didn't see this all coming when he posted that pic! :lol:

And also a big HAHA at Susperia for being a hypocrite!

I'm confused. I am the feminist here and usually stick up for the women. So I said one not-so-nice thing and now all of a sudden I'm some raging misogynist? Give me a break.

*insert rolls eyes emoticon*
Guthrum said:
So, are you going to listen to Symphony No. 40 while you drill her?
I prefer 25... but for those specail occasions the Kyrie from Mozart's C Minor Mass is particularly orgasmic. Check out the incredible soprano solo in it and you'll know what I mean.
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