Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Evil? said:
I often use myspace to sample bands I have not heard before. It is very useful. Well,many times when I check out a band I see the same guy has posted a comment. I keep thinking, who is this guy?!? He likes a lot of pretty cool bands. So, I decide to click on his profile to see whats up, and in his blog I see these pictures!!!>>>>>

IT'S YOU!!!!

unknown said:
Spectacular Views, the artist formerly known as Polarity, is indeed a male.

Ow, do i detect a date drug incident that came to an abrupt stop when ones true sex was discovered :puke:

Bullshit aside, i remember Polarity posting a chick picture in the forums a long time back... thats why i'm so confused, and by the fact a guy can have that sig and that name :mad: IN A METAL FORUM :mad: :mad: :mad:
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