Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I see all sorts of gulls in Maine. Ringbills, herring gulls, laughing gulls, bonapartes', and great black backs are the usual suspects.
Hell, I dunno... The last pic - those figures on the low part of pic. Looks like birds... Ehh... Dont laugh at me :cry:
this is a gull.

haha. I hadn't even noticed that.

Alright, Guthrum, time for your weekly "explain what the fuck is going on in your picture" post.

what are those ghostly white figures in the last picture on the bottom?
My storm pics pwn your storm pics.

I took these in July while visiting my grandmother on Lake Erie near Buffalo. The last one shows a tornado almost forming over the lake.




Necuratul said:
You've got quite a yard.

Haha, that's not even half of the yard. Mowing it is a pain.

unknown said:
haha. I hadn't even noticed that.

Alright, Guthrum, time for your weekly "explain what the fuck is going on in your picture" post.

what are those ghostly white figures in the last picture on the bottom?

Oh, I know what you guys are talking about now. Those are the white trellis structures that are in the first two pictures, just the tops of them. I know what a gull is, but was thinking that there weren't any in the pictures! You had me confused.
~Neurotica said:
Hell, I dunno... The last pic - those figures on the low part of pic. Looks like birds... Ehh... Dont laugh at me :cry:

:lol: i was looking at those pics, and for a split second they did look like birds down the bottom, then my eyes focused and made out what it truly was. I think you have destroyed your eyes taking pictures so close up, now you need some sexy "porn teacher" glasses, and then take some pics for the thread.

haha the origin of the whole "sexy teacher" thing probably started with what a 1891 english town drunks son 'thought' was sexy, that being his 67 year old teacher through his beer goggles, so sexy. This must be so because i'll be damned if i have ever seen a sexy teacher, the closest thing is those chicks that are "training" and help your class for like 2 days then fuck off :mad:

BTW My footy team is the Mighty Seagulls (aussie rules) :lol:
I wear a bathory head band, just to bring Seth back to the war field :headbang:
Maybe he is pissed that i won't let him rest in peace
I have had one hot teacher. Unfortunatly she was a dumbass. She probably reliezed this because she quite teaching after like 3 years and went to work at the local Barnes and Nobel.
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