Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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i posted pictures of girls and you drew your own conclusions

i never claimed to be female, nor was it my intention to mislead given that a a decent number of people on here already know who i am from my previous accounts (and the fact that i'd posted pictures of myself under this account way before i started posting pics of girls), i jsut didnt tell you i wasnt because i thought everyones reactions were fucking lol
A poor defensive attempt, and one which horribly fails.

You think I'm the only one who thought this? You knew *exactly* what you were doing. And furthermore, you still carry it out in other forums! You've have a VERY serious insecurity dude, go and fucking do something about it.

I wish someone would ban your pathetic ass. All you do is fucking troll, you never have anything decent to provide to a discussion, and this occurs across all forums on UM you post at.
The Hubster said:
And furthermore, you still carry it out in other forums!.

wtf where :confused:

i know youre embarrassed about coming onto me but seriously dont just make stuff up to make me look bad

I think he's avoiding a deeper problem. If so many people in a forum complain about him, imagine what he is like to deal with in real life? This only highlights that he has serious problems.
hahahaha if you think how someone acts on a forum is at all reflective of how they are in real life then wow

im still waiting to hear what these other forums i pretend to be female on are
also the fact that i've been posting here for like 4 years (and everyone who was around here for any of that previous to this account knows who i am) yet suddenly posting pictures of females is indicative of a deep psychological problem is kinda uhhhh
The Hubster said:

I think he's avoiding a deeper problem. If so many people in a forum complain about him, imagine what he is like to deal with in real life? This only highlights that he has serious problems.

I'm sorry, I respect you and all, but what you're saying now is fucking dumb. People troll online because it's fun to watch the reactions of idiotic people who don't get it. That doesn't mean that they have mental problems or insecurities, amazingly enough.
thing is i've pretty much quit trolling now, all this aggression towards me seems to be either residual hatred or some retarded problem with my sig

i wouldnt say i ever really actively trolled anyway, sure i did stuff that i knew was going to elicit a reaction but for the most part i stayed within the rules and let you guys troll yourselves. it's not my fault if this board is full of dumbasses, which i believe i deftly demonstrated it is.
Oh so you're "politely" handing over the responsibility of your trolling over to the rest of us? How considerate of you. Don't consider for a moment that you do not belong to the horde of dumbasses you claim to be outside of: you are well a part of it. Your stupid post earlier about me being defensive of women only proves your low maturity and intelligence.

Here's a tip to make your life easier on a forum: DONT post stupid comments. Simple. Use your fucking brain for once in your life, it may provide some positive changes.

Unlike you, I dont post bullshit. if I make a positive comment because one of the girls has posted a photo that looks nice, I'm simply giving a thumbs up like anyone else would and theres is NO OTHER REASON. I simply choose to not write derogatory comments because I'm not a fucking pig. End of story. Keep your mouth shut next time.
thing is youre not being defensive youre acting like an internet knight in shining armor on behalf of someone who obviously doesnt need it and its pathetic

personally i think all these lecherous internet nerds are fucking gross too but its not a big enough deal to act like that over
Read what I wrote again: no bullshit. I simply have NO tolerance for stupidity, I never have. Im not going to make allowances for a pitiful pasty brat like you either.

And to think that for a little while, I actually felt pity for you after seeing how many people were picking on you. Now I understand why.

this is the saddest picture ever
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