Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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My copy of Negura Bunget's new album "OM" arrived a few days ago... and it fucking rules!!! :kickass:




I'm sorry but I think that hair is terrible.

I hate it when men dye their hair, or style or cut it in any way. I'm not into the whole metrosexual thing.. I like when a man just lets it grow and doesn't touch it. Same with the hair on the rest of his body. :oops:
Looks like a kick ass show.

Here's some pics from last week before the homecoming dance.


The Hubster said:
My copy of Negura Bunget's new album "OM" arrived a few days ago... and it fucking rules!!! :kickass:

OM is out? *going to go order it*

btw, pretty gal Imp

EDIT: how did you get a copy of OM already? I want answers
Guthrum said:
Is this a brick that you shit?
I havent even heard of that being possible. You sound like an expert though. What other things do you shit besides brick?
Tell me more! :headbang:

The fallen flower petals on an old brick lying under a tree early morning on the roadside when I visited my dad last fall. It seemed artistic.
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