Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Spectacular Views said:
being antisocial isnt the same thing as being shy or socially unconfident

Apologies, I should have covered that... you're right.

Int said:
Like SV said, lacking in social skills is not equivalent to being antisocial. Why would you come here to communicate with other people if you were?

Everyone needs a release I guess. If someone *is* anti-social, if they hate talking to others... well, at some point, they will *need* to say something. They'll burst otherwise.

The Greys said:
Shy or socially unconfident to me is more of something when you are 12-14 still having innocence sanity and not being stripped. It's ok to be naive and shy. After a certain point it's anti-social,degeneration,lost,not growing up etc... you are expected to get with it and know everything. If you don't you can say 'bye bye' to your life.

While there is *some* truth to that, I'd have to disagree.

There is a stupid and shallow expectation in society that you must lead. "Be a leader! Show the way! Be the brightest! The most extroverted! The most confident! The most successful! Have everyone look to you!" and so on.

Some of this is simply due to genetics and our animal nature which still exists, so from that point of view, these expectations are natural.

However, with the rise of our culture and civilisations, I feel that our current form of these expectations is more "a trend", as opposed to a natural thing.

Which brings me to this: why is it "wrong" to not be some kind of confident super human by the time you're... say, 18? What if you DONT want to be the leader? What if being shy or quiet brings something positive into your life? What if you're happy just doing your job, because your priorities in life are different?

How do things like this, make someone a negative or lesser person? Isn't it simply mass perception? (Which is bullshit anyway, fuck mass perception). What if these traits really aren't negative, or something which can cause you to "say 'bye bye' to your life"? Since when was it a prerequisitive to not be shy to survive?
Crimson Velvet said:
The only guys who have a problem with that are the ones with absolutely NO CONFIDENCE in themselves. ALL GIRLS want attention from guys, in relationships or not.

Wrong. That is not the case because the kind of attention varies. Not only that, but there are many quiet men out there who probably have very little problem. In fact, I'd say an overconfident brute has more to worry about than a shy guy.

I love attention like anyone else, but I value my relationship strongly, so some girl coming up to me hitting on me is going to piss me off even more if I have said that I'm attached.

A random compliment though, is always nice, and presumably, civilised.

Susperia said:
You're right... I can't helpt but like it when a man gives me compliments... it makes me feel good about myself, temporarily.

.. and you have every right to feel good after anyone gives you a compliment. You shouldnt have to say "I cant help it". Since when is feeling good a bad thing?

~Neurotica said:
In majority of times a compliment that is given to a woman by a woman is more true though...

Or unless it's from a man who simply loves women on all levels, not just physical as most do. But I agree.

I know a lot of gay women, and most of my friends in my life has been women, and their exchanges with one another are far less bitchy and so on.

However, these days I do find that competition between (mainstream) hetro women is insanely fierce. I wonder how the girls trust one another these days.
Faith No More said:
I always sing stuff like Extreme and dance around my college, people think im a weirdo. But theyre all indie fags.

I'd think you were weird too, and I'm at least two years away from being an indie fag :p sooo I'm sure it isn't just them.
cookiecutter said:
:zombie: name change for Danallica!

Yeh man; the 'Allica' thing was getting annoying, plus Metallica aren't my favourite band anymore, as they were when I first joined up. Above all it's easier for people just to write fucken Dan, and the ä makes me cult :kickass:

Trees without leaves always look wicked... Just wanted to catch the moment.

Nope... The latest term till could send pics there was 30 of October. This one was taken yesterday.
Montu Sekhmet said:
If you actually had a brain, you might have noticed the irony and sarcasm in my statement. But we can't expect people like you to understand things like that, now can we? I would give you neg rep but I noticed you got yours taken away because you're such an idiot, and decided that since no one really likes you anyway becuase you're such a dumbass troll, I would let you keep the sliver of positives you have left.

Anway, internet conversations are different than real life ones becuase one can pick and choose which topic to discuss, unlike in person with someone. For instance, when Int is in a topic on this board it usually means that it is either extremely childish, immature, or just plain dumb. So I avoid those.

Backtracking by saying you were being ironic or sarcastic is so tired, don't bother. You can't give me neg rep because you just did yesterday you stupid retard, my rep got taken away by Deron because he's a fucking inbred with mental health problems but it's not like I really give a shit about getting approval from clueless idiots so keep ranting about my 'sliver of positives' or whatever that argument is which is btw pretty much the gayest thing I've ever read in my life.
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