Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Yeah I agree with this but I don't agree, maybe it's because I'm 17?! I don't have a job I just sit at the computer and type thse post all the time my parents say grow up but I don't want to. I have no friends except for my bandmate but he didn't even want to drink wit me he said he was tired. Oh yeah oldschool swedish dm is good except hypocrisy. "burtal" dm sucks. All you blond college students know math but I don't I hate smart people.

Last Edited by cookiecutter 6:66 6/6/06

:lol: !
I'm such an unstable person emotionally. Not mentally or anything, I keep my cool very well and don't have any disorder I know of but I swear I can't keep my emotions in check for more than a good week. It is quite odd. I've been having such a great week or so and then now, out of no where I'm feeling rather sad and "alone." Which is stupid as hell because I've had more friends this year than ever really, a great relationship, and whatever else that links me to the social world. It is so fucking annoying and I wish I wouldn't get like this every so often. It really is unpleasant.
I've got my "feelgood" album on right now, that being dredg's Catch Without Arms, and when that ends I shall see how I'm doing. It could just be stress, I have alot of it right now with work and school. Don't really know.
I know I will, and I really wouldn't blame it on the teenager part because that is pretty much a false patronization of my age group. I'm sure everyone from the twenty somethings to octogenarians get "sad" at times. It is really a "human" thing.
ya know what I do when I'm sad for no real reason? I work out. I do something to focus my mind. Do a puzzle of sorts. Go running. Play guitar.

something for godsakes!
Hey! I noticed you have a WM3 link in your sig. Fucked up stuff, I tell you. Scarecrow Hill has all sorts of benefits and charities and shit for them. This years HILLoween (great time btw) was in part for them, with a lot of the procceeds going to a fund.

I heard about the case from Henry Rollins at one of his spoken word shows. Went home and did some research. Pretty fucked up shit indeed.
haha what man

I just had a fucking hilarious encounter outside with a guy from my old school

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