Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Susperia: because of its cultural basis. It was the covenant in the Old Testament, a tradition that started with the Jews.

Dodens: I don't know a lot on the subject myself, but in this case it wouldn't make much sense.
Well in this case it's pretty easy

edit: yeah i don't know as much about art as you, but a circumsized viking is almost laughable

As laughable as a circumsized David? Nudes in art history, at least Western art, have always been shown as circumsized, no matter what the subject matter is. People don't laugh over it. What people laugh/gawk over is huge uncircumsized penises.
Hey it's the toughest sport in all of high school athletics, there is nothing girlie about it at all. Just you and your opponent in front of everyone in a contest of strength, speed, skill, and endurance.

Krig you would do well at the heavyweight class.
Hey it's the toughest sport in all of high school athletics, there is nothing girlie about it at all. Just you and your opponent in front of everyone in a contest of strength, speed, skill, and endurance.

This all sounds great, until you throw in spandex.

Oh, and the humping.
The spandex is the worst part, I agree.

But wearing it in front of everyone shows that you aren't unsure of your masculinity, the same way jocks wear pink polo shirts and aren't afraid of being called gay.
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