Regarding the uncircumsized vs circumsized deal--- Why do you all say uncircumsized? Yes it would be more historically accurate, but what also matters is the aesthetics of it, and I think we can all agree that flaccid uncircumsized penises don't look very good.
Also, this is a very large painting, 6ft tall, 4 ft wide, and it's a full frontal of a man, bound. So his member is going to be somewhat of a focal point, and I'm afraid if I paint an uncircumsized penis, everyone will be like 'OMG it's a huge uncircumsized penis!" because that's what always ends up happening in these situations. I want to hear why you guys think it should be uncircumsized.
edit: Right now I'm leaning toward good old circumsized. Trust me, there's enough 'controversy' going on in the piece already.