Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I finally have cable (tv and internet) after a whole week. I secluded myself into my room and read about 3 different astronomy books ranging from 500 to 900 pages a piece. After all of my patience and dedication to reading said books and painting my entire new apartment. I return to read that THE COLTS FUCKING WON THEIR GAME...AND DALLAS LOST
Wow, Krig, those picsa re awesome. Seriously, great stuff.
I love this one:

I have a digital camera now(have not used it yet and need to read about it)... it's going to be fun!
Spurs punched the Grizzz in the fucking balls this afternoon... Manu Ginobili AND Robert Horry both scored their season highs (Manu had 34 pts on 6 FOR 8 THREES and like 7 steals, Rob had i think 20), Matt Bonner was kickin ass... I think there will be trading soon. Bonner is safe, Breant Barry is still 4th in the league in 3-point percentage and 3rd in freethrows (like 58/62 for 94% or some such obscene Steve Nash shit) so he's not going anywhere probably unless we can get something good... Beno Udrih is LEAVING LIKE FUCK, he's had 3 years to show up and he's done nothing but underachieve and miss layups... maybe Jackie Butler could go too but who really knows, a 22-year old Center with good hands is GOLD in this 2007 NBA... Oberto is safe, Elson is safe...

I think we'll either be sending rights to Luis Scola along with Beno and maybe Butler for someone like.... hmmmmm...... who do i want..... how about Andre Igoudala?? If the Spurs got him, and a Scola/Udrih deal would be more than a fair deal and the Sixers should take it in a heartbeat... man, it would be a Panzer assault...

Scola is so fucking good, even if we just end up having to sign him next year, and trade off maybe a couple of our big men to make room... it's an absolutely no-lose situation, there's a lot of teams that want a quick offensive power forward of his calibre, but if we don't get anything worth what he's worth, he's only 26 or 27 so he could give us 7 or 8 more good years...
Fucking Giants! They deserved to lose. Oh well, all that really matters is that the Colts won, and will win on saturday, and will win against the Pats the following week for the Division Championship game, and then go to the Superbowl in which they will win by a landslide and become TEH CHAMPS. Then I can come back here and rub it in all of your faces and be happy for the rest of my life.
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