Only fat bitches smell like pancakes
How the fuck do I look like a hippy there? =/
I thought you knew you were a hippy. You dress like a hippy.
Good thing that you're still alive. Why'd you drink whiskey in the library of all places?I just got back from the hospital yesterday, and I cant remember anything since i last posted. I as a the library, and then drank a hole bottle of whiskey, and go alchohol poisioning and almos died. im home now and the internet is woking, but i cant walk and i have marks and holes fom all he tubes and IVs.
i belive in god.
Yeah. I drained the whole entire bottle of whiskey in under an hour. Hell, in under forty five. It all seems sort of dreamy now. All I know is i began having seizures and came close to dying.
It has taken it's fucking toll, trust me. Im just glad I'm not mentally retarded. It doesnt help that I am way underage either.
edit-and a short skinny white boy