thats something completely different. a world CAN exist without a mainstream "groupthink" society, i.e., the status quo. however, its not a "band" if it doesn't play music. thats a quite terrible analogy you made.
I thought you were ignoring me.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Also you are so fucking stupid that I can only assume you wear a little braclet with instructions on how to fucking breath at all times to keep you from forgetting. Since it needs to be spelled out for you, the point was this:
The issue of rasism is a sociological one. In other words, society has EVERYTHING to do with the issue of racism. Therefore, it can not be taken out of the discussion, since it IS the discussion. The band analogy makes perfect sense to anyone with the ability to think. You can't very well discuss which band is better without taking into consideration music, now can you? Get it?
And no, society can't exist without common ideas and values because then it wouldn't be society.