Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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thats something completely different. a world CAN exist without a mainstream "groupthink" society, i.e., the status quo. however, its not a "band" if it doesn't play music. thats a quite terrible analogy you made.

I thought you were ignoring me.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Also you are so fucking stupid that I can only assume you wear a little braclet with instructions on how to fucking breath at all times to keep you from forgetting. Since it needs to be spelled out for you, the point was this:

The issue of rasism is a sociological one. In other words, society has EVERYTHING to do with the issue of racism. Therefore, it can not be taken out of the discussion, since it IS the discussion. The band analogy makes perfect sense to anyone with the ability to think. You can't very well discuss which band is better without taking into consideration music, now can you? Get it?

And no, society can't exist without common ideas and values because then it wouldn't be society.
thats a matter of opinion....

I thought you were ignoring me.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Also you are so fucking stupid that I can only assume you wear a little braclet with instructions on how to fucking breath at all times to keep you from forgetting. Since it needs to be spelled out for you, the point was this:

The issue of rasism is a sociological one. In other words, society has EVERYTHING to do with the issue of racism. Therefore, it can not be taken out of the discussion, since it IS the discussion. The band analogy makes perfect sense to anyone with the ability to think. You can't very well discuss which band is better without taking into consideration music, now can you? Get it?

And no, society can't exist without common ideas and values because then it wouldn't be society.

if we get rid of the media machines that control popular opinion, then society will cease to exist.

"And no, society can't exist without common ideas and values because then it wouldn't be society." - true, but I am saying society not existing itself.

as for me needing a reminder to breathe, at least its not one to remind me to think like you would need.
if we get rid of the media machines that control popular opinion, then society will cease to exist.

"And no, society can't exist without common ideas and values because then it wouldn't be society." - true, but I am saying society not existing itself.

Ok, let's discuss the race issue, assuming that society doesn't exist:

Well there's nothing to talk about, considering that there's no society, and therefore nothing to discuss.


And lets no forget this gem:

as for me needing a reminder to breathe, at least its not one to remind me to think like you would need.

Hey, nice come back there, Rain Man.
how? people can dislike/hate whatever the fuck they want.

No shit. But hating people because they happen to be black kinda got old about 50 years ago. And it does tend to be stupid and/or ignorant people who still get a kick out of it. And the whole hate fueling more hate from both sides which causes more division thing also tends to suck. But yeah anyway.

Quick, tell a fart joke! :loco:
Racism is more often than not based on fact, and real reasons; it's just rather unfortunate thst some people choose to take it out on the entire race. For example, I dont like wogs, I try to tolerate them, but every fucken greasy kebab munching tight arse wog that I see is a total cunt, acts like a fag, starts fights with 18 of his cousins behind him, all the while making my country worse. And they complain about our PM, fuck off wogs!
No shit. But hating people because they happen to be black kinda got old about 50 years ago. And it does tend to be stupid and/or ignorant people who still get a kick out of it. And the whole hate fueling more hate from both sides which causes more division thing also tends to suck. But yeah anyway.

Quick, tell a fart joke! :loco:
I do agree with you on most levels but missilenuts has a point. A person can dislike whatever he/she wants to. Soceity can't take over what you like/dislike. Its only a few norms fitted here and there. None of them can be forced down your throat. You can call this a matter of preference.. how much you let social norms penetrate you, but I personally decide the path I have to take on my own.

Also.. about the statement in the bold. Racism was/isn't a fashion statement. Its stupid, but its not a 'passed trend' or something.
No shit. But hating people because they happen to be black kinda got old about 50 years ago. And it does tend to be stupid and/or ignorant people who still get a kick out of it. And the whole hate fueling more hate from both sides which causes more division thing also tends to suck. But yeah anyway.

Quick, tell a fart joke! :loco:

To be honest, if someone wants to slag of blacks, chinese etc, then its their freedom of speech to do so. Thats what its there for. But this liberal 'intolerant' (because it is) behaviour which is abit messed up, 'you cant say my pals' etc. So what. I say my pals alot, but not in the sense of all these blacks are my pals so I must hate them, just because its a word said by blacks alot, so why cant I?
^ Agreed

If my pals can call themselves my pals, why can't we. Furthermore, my pals's shouldn't take offence when we call them my pals if members of the my pals community proceed to call themselves my pals.
the only reason its bad is because "Society" says its bad. take "Society" out of the equation and what is good and bad is all a matter of opinion. who wants to be a mindless herd follower? not me, for sure....

People who reason like that are essentially sociopaths.
How about I go murder your entire family? Sure, society says that's "bad", but I make up my own mind!
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