Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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There's still plenty of sexism and racism out there today...feminism is still important. Of course the mainstream idea of feminism is utter shit and goes about the entire issue in the wrong way, but that's a separate issue.
Who said I don't respect what our mothers and grandmothers do?.. They needed to prove something and they did it.
But I don't see the point in active feminism today, as there's actually no descrimination of women nowadays (well, let's forget about muslims). And in my opinion, today a woman who tries to prove that she's equal to man sounds as pitiful as a black person who tries to prove that he/she is not a slave anymore.
I might be totally wrong, but that's my opinion.

Well, perhaps there's no discrimination towards women in the Ukraine, but here in America there is plenty. Women are still paid less then men, even if they hold the same job, the men are usually paid more.

That is just one example of many ways women are still discriminated against here. I agree that some feminists today (the kind that get all the media attention) are kind of crazy and much too angry, but you really should not be mixing that up with what feminism really is. It made me very sad that you didn't even know the definition of feminism. Most women of our generation don't...
There's still plenty of sexism and racism out there today...feminism is still important. Of course the mainstream idea of feminism is utter shit and goes about the entire issue in the wrong way, but that's a separate issue.
The problem of feminism kinda doesn't exist here at all, we have some other problems here. So I guess that's why I can't understand the whole 'importance' of that thing for today.
Well, perhaps there's no discrimination towards women in the Ukraine, but here in America there is plenty. Women are still paid less then men, even if they hold the same job, the men are usually paid more.

That is just one example of many ways women are still discriminated against here. I agree that some feminists today (the kind that get all the media attention) are kind of crazy and much too angry, but you really should not be mixing that up with what feminism really is. It made me very sad that you didn't even know the definition of feminism. Most women of our generation don't...
Yea, just what I said above.
Women are important. Women are as important as men--- I don't understand, how can you not think of yourself as important?

We're in the middle of a war here in America, but that doesn't make me stop thinking I'm important too and women are important and I still fight for the things I believe in, even if there's "other shit" going on as well.

edit: this was to Neurotica's response to Dodens.
Women are important. Women are as important as men--- I don't understand, how can you not think of yourself as important?
You got me totally wrong.
I said the problem of feminism actually doesn't exist in Ukraine. My only fault is that I should look further and know about other countries too.
Speaking about Ukraine - we don't have such a thing that men earn more than women for the same type of job. We have another shit - in Donetsk (the main area of coal-mining in Ukraine) miners don't get paid for 11 months already. People who are risking with their life every day, who have chronical asthma have their children and wives starving. And coal-mining is actually the only kind of job that they can get living there... And I doubt those people think about problem of men's and women's equality.
There are always worse problems out there. There are people out there who have it far worse than those coal miners---does that make the coal miners' problems any less imperative? Of course not.

edit:Get out of the way Krig, this was to Neurotica.
Well, everyone is watching from their own tower. So of course the problem of miners in my country is more important for me than problem of woman who earns 2 dollars less than a man.
Nobody's fault.
There's nothing wrong with fighting for more than one thing at a time--- I fight for a lot of things, I think all of you know that.

edit: I wouldn't ever say to someone "my fight is more important than your fight", if that's what you're trying to do here.
1. What is History? A study. What do you do when you "appreciate" it?

2. Why, because I don't like to waste my time viewing submental garbage? I suppose I'm a nerd because I value culture over being a brain-dead moron. I'm 100% sure I've gotten laid more than all of you other than suspiria and Teh Grimarse.

One, it's amazing that I should have to justify this to you. Really. What the hell do you mean, "what do I do"? Enjoy? Respect? I am interested in the subject material, therefore, I enjoy the show. Does that make sense to you? Do you need a diagram?

Two, because you automatically write off everything that you don't like as "submental garbage" and that anyone who does enjoy it is a "brain-dead moron". You are the epitome of pretentious, right down to your emo glasses, goti and collection of framed records. Nice way to work in the fact that you have gotten laid, though. Sure, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the discussion at hand, but it really shows that you are intelligent. I feel I should mention that I'm 100% that I can grill a steak better than you can. I don't know what the hell that has to do with anything, but neither does your sex life.

Satanstoenail[B said:
]You need to stop being such a patronizing fuckbag[/B] when presenting your retorts. It's annoying and inflammatory and unnecessary, and it detracts attention from the discussion at hand.

You = Hypocrite.

Jean-Pierre said:
Judging by his handle, he's a pseudo-intellectual, subsophmoric cunt in the first place.

Haha. Sure, man. My handle on a website says a lot about my personality. Of course, it says a whole lot more about the fact that the eight other names I tried before it were taken already and that I chose this one out of frustration. Nice attempt to analyze me based on something as trivial as my fucking handle, though. Oh please Doctor- what would you have been able to deduce about me if I had gotten to use "Andrew" like I wanted to in the first place? Also, you calling anyone else "pseudo-intellectual" is absolutley hilarious. Blah blah pot kettle black etc.

Either way, judging by your personality, conduct and your picture, you are a pretentious shitheel who gets off on making people think that he's soooo above mainstream popculture, as illustrated by your false belief that Mr. Show was obscure and therefore good. I'm sure the guys at work are very impressed by you.
Don't know if it was here or somewhere else, but I heard a nice explaination as to why women get payed less.

Women want flexibility in the workplace, able to take off time for things such as maternity leave, parenting reasons, etc etc so they get that flexibility in exchange for less money.

Men just want money, that is what they get.
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