Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Yeah except not all women have kids. So what then? They're discriminated anyway just because of their sex. Do you not get it?

Regardless of weather or not they choose to have kids, they still can, and therefore they can still take time off for maternity leave. There is no comprable situation for men.

edit: but yeah if we get time off for the playoffs of our favorite sport, then women can get paid the same.
edit: I wouldn't ever say to someone "my fight is more important than your fight", if that's what you're trying to do here.
If that was for me - I'm saying again - everyone fights mostly for something that concerns them somehow.
And I would never say that my problem is more important than yours.
I'm saying that what you fight for or what you worry about somehow depends on your values and situation that surrounds you. And if I would ever say that the problem of miners is more imortant than the problem of feminism - I would mean that it's more important for me. And it's subjectively, as it conerns me. And the problem of feminism doesn't. Which doesn't make it less important, damn it.
Considering all the shit said above I'm saying that everyone's has their own values and sees the certain problems differenly, thats why people don't always understand problems of each other. And you can't blame them for that.

I'm done.
Two, because you automatically write off everything that you don't like as "submental garbage" and that anyone who does enjoy it is a "brain-dead moron". You are the epitome of pretentious, right down to your emo glasses, goti and collection of framed records. Nice way to work in the fact that you have gotten laid, though. Sure, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the discussion at hand, but it really shows that you are intelligent. I feel I should mention that I'm 100% that I can grill a steak better than you can. I don't know what the hell that has to do with anything, but neither does your sex life.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You = Hypocrite.

no kidding, he does that shit as much (if not more) than anybody else on here with the exception of maybe amarantus
I wanna bicker too! Can I, huh? :)

women ARE equal. stop bitching about it.

Heh, I like this one. Let's examine some previous statements made towards Susperia:

Why are you such a stupid bitch, seriously?

I don't care if you are a vegan, but yes feminists are stupid cunts, like you.

Yep, no gender bias here. I wonder where feminists get these crazy ideas that discrimination still exists. Could it be that some people not only make no effort to see from a marginalized demographic's point of view, but also immediately dismiss their opinions as nothing more than the whinings of "stupid cunts"?

Coolname's statement aside, I am on his side in the spat with Jean-Pierre, who apparently can't accept the fact that some people like to watch history-oriented programs on TV but don't also engage in serious historical study. Clearly these people have no appreciation for history whatsoever. And if that argument doesn't win you over, we have the following rhetorical gem from our friend Satanstoenail:

You need to stop being such a patronizing fuckbag when presenting your retorts. It's annoying and inflammatory and unnecessary, and it detracts attention from the discussion at hand.

I'm pretty sure the bible says similar things. It also encourages slavery and abusing slaves, among other things, so whatever.
According to the Quran if a woman is disloyal to her husband a man has the right to beat her. And I read 75 pages of the Quran so far. Gotta read it for my Religious Studies class.

I read the whole thing a few years ago. The most BORING religious book I've ever read (and I've read the bible a dozen or so times). Actually I take that back... the Rig Veda was the most boring or at least the most unreadable.
Yep, no gender bias here. I wonder where feminists get these crazy ideas that discrimination still exists. Could it be that some people not only make no effort to see from a marginalized demographic's point of view, but also immediately dismiss their opinions as nothing more than the whinings of "stupid cunts"?

Well said. My comment to Susperia was in refernce to her post about meat-eaters, though, but I've made my share of sexist comments in the past, so it was fair game.
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