Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I had a dream a few nights ago that Necuratul and Hammer of Might played in a sweet thrash band together.
You = Hypocrite.

Hey, I'm all for being patronizing and throwing insults around when making off hand comments and when dealing with morons, but generally when I'm having an actual discussion with someone about something I give it a rest, especially if I can see that they actually have a brain and can articulate. And I would never say shit like:

Does that make sense to you? Do you need a diagram?

or "What the hell are you on??", or "Can you actually read?", or any of the other umpteen mindless cliches that you like to drag out whenever you're arguing with someone.
Hey, I'm all for being patronizing and throwing insults around when making off hand comments and when dealing with morons, but generally when I'm having an actual discussion with someone about something I give it a rest, especially if I can see that they actually have a brain and can articulate. And I would never say shit like:

or "What the hell are you on??", or "Can you actually read?", or any of the other umpteen mindless cliches that you like to drag out whenever you're arguing with someone.

I don't do this when I'm arguing with someone who's displayed a moderate amount of intelliegence or someone who didn't prove that they are a complete and utter dickhead at beginning of the argument. Pretentiousness pissed me off to no end, so I don't give a shit about being nice about it when they start going on about they're "well I have a superior aesthetic sensibility!" horse shit.

Then there's the fact there we're on the internet and not a fucking debate team.
I don't do this when I'm arguing with someone who's displayed a moderate amount of intelliegence or someone who didn't prove that they are a complete and utter dickhead at beginning of the argument.

Umm..... yeah, you do.

Pretentiousness pissed me off to no end, so I don't give a shit about being nice about it when they start going on about they're "well I have a superior aesthetic sensibility!" horse shit.

You shouldn't let the chip on your shoulder dictate how uppity you get with people.

Then there's the fact there we're on the internet and not a fucking debate team.


No I don't, yes I should and if you really think it's important to present a formal argument a message board, you should consider finding some hobbies.

Either way, if you want to join the discussion then at least contribute somethign worthwhile. What you're doing here is grasping at straws / knit picking / spitting out mindless rhetoric (other guy pegged you dead on), probably because you're still angry about an argument we had in the past, and you're desperate to find reasons to take shots at me. Pick your battles. Once again, you are a hypocrite, mindless rhetoric, grasping at straws, pick your battles.


Liberals and conservatives are both horrible.

One fights for social liberties yet forgets that political correctness is fucking stupid.

One just kind of sits there and stagnates while trying to stunt social progress, yet tend to be less ... caring about whether or not they offend people.

In all honesty take the social liberties fightin' for part of liberals, and the not caring about offending people from the conservatives and here we fuckin' go. Good and not a fucking annoying person.

Liberals and conservatives are both horrible.

One fights for social liberties yet forgets that political correctness is fucking stupid.

One just kind of sits there and stagnates while trying to stunt social progress, yet tend to be less ... caring about whether or not they offend people.

In all honesty take the social liberties fightin' for part of liberals, and the not caring about offending people from the conservatives and here we fuckin' go. Good and not a fucking annoying person.

Speaking of sweet bands, I should have low quality rehearsal tapes of my band online within a week or two. It doesn't suck, I swear. With one $20 microphone and a $40 program you can get surprisingly decent quality.
Cool, I used Audacity to record my music and a 10 $ mic. I'll probbaly have my last song completing the demo done next week.
In all honesty take the social liberties fightin' for part of liberals, and the not caring about offending people from the conservatives and here we fuckin' go. Good and not a fucking annoying person.

Pretty much what I strive for. I'll admit, I'm generally pretty liberal-leaning politically, but the political correctness thing definitely irks me. If you're not allowed to point out people's bullshit and ignorance, how can you have any perspective on a social issue?
Just liberals preaching tolerance but are infact the most in-tolerant out of the lot, not letting people have their own views because theyre racist, sexist or whatever totally pisses me off. Thats the main reason I cant stand them.
But then every political group is gunna have their faults so there isnt alot we can do about it.
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