Mort Divine
Shrine Maiden of the In-Crowd
yea and we all know lots of 12 year old boys CHOOSE to be rejected and hated by their own parents (as is oftentimes the case)![]()
I was supporting what you were saying
yea and we all know lots of 12 year old boys CHOOSE to be rejected and hated by their own parents (as is oftentimes the case)![]()
No, your a twat. You have nothing to back anything up, all you do is write the stupid thing that comes into you head trying to insult people.
They are my views, if you dont like it come up with a reasonable arguement.
who the fuck would choose a lifestyle in which they are rejected and often discriminated against by society??
people don't have any control as to what they are attracted to, it's absurd to say otherwise
Because people don't ... choose to be straight either? There is evidence of gay men's brains being more similar to the brains of women? Because they wouldn't choose to be something that would bring these HUGE amounts of public ridicule and hatred upon them.
I very much so choose to be straight. Everyday when I wake up I say "You know, I going to fuck a nice vagina today instead of suck some cock, because that's what I want to do." You lose.
Dave you are a fucking idiot. What you are telling me is, since homosexual's are ridiculed by "society" they automatically don't choose be homosexual. Hmm, I'm going to call bullshit on this one. On the very same grounds that, murderers, rapists, drug addicts and all kinds of people who are ridiculed by society as well CHOOSE to do it. They know full well going in that if I do this, I'm going to be discriminated on because I'm going to be doing something that people SHOULDN'T, and is considered wrong. Now don't do the typical thing and turn this around and say I'm a homophobe. I have plenty of gay friends, and they all know how I stand on this issue. It's not right, it's not how people should be, but whatever they want to do then that's their problem. I just don't want to hear them complain about being ass fucked by society because they want to be different, no pun intended.
I very much so choose to be straight. Everyday when I wake up I say "You know, I going to fuck a nice vagina today instead of suck some cock, because that's what I want to do." You lose.
You have a pretty good argument going, homosexual's brains are similar to a womans...ok I can buy that with some more legitimate proof. But the one thing that kills your point is the fact they aren't the SAME as a heterosexual woman's. Which means, they are still MEN. Once again showing that they do in fact CHOOSE who they want to have sexual relations with.
Do you really?? Every day??
I think most of us straight males kind of take that for granted.
Upon comparison between sexual orientation and hypothalamus size, he found that, on average, INAH 3 was two to three times smaller in homosexual men; this suggested “that gay and straight men may differ in the central neuronal mechanisms that regulate sexual behavior. ... It is very likely that there are fewer neurons in INAH 3 of gay men (and women) than in straight men. To put an absurdly facile spin on it, gay men simply don’t have the brain cells to be attracted to women” (120).
Although genetics may not be the sole reason individuals are homosexuals, recent research has shown that sexual orientation certainly has biological links. Homosexuality has nothing to do with disturbed mentalities. Homosexuality has to do with brain anatomy and genetics. Homosexuals might even be gay before they are born. But even more simply, as Angelican Archbishop Benjamin Tutu of South Africa wrote, “if this sexual orientation were indeed a matter of personal choice, the homosexual persons must be the craziest coots around to choose a way of life that exposes them to so much hostility, discrimination, loss, and suffering.” Homosexuality is not a choice. It’s a way of life.
I very much so choose to be straight. Everyday when I wake up I say "You know, I going to fuck a nice vagina today instead of suck some cock, because that's what I want to do." You lose.
You have a pretty good argument going, homosexual's brains are similar to a womans...ok I can buy that with some more legitimate proof. But the one thing that kills your point is the fact they aren't the SAME as a heterosexual woman's. Which means, they are still MEN. Once again showing that they do in fact CHOOSE who they want to have sexual relations with.
The verdict is still out about that in the scientific community as far as I'm aware, though it's definitely notable that studies have shown that homosexuals tend to have a hypothalamus approximately half the size of that of a heterosexual.
Liberals > Conservatives, and yes, conservatives (see: the Bible belt and the south and mid west in general) do tend to be more uneducated than liberals, the main exception being the poor urban population generally siding with liberals. However, on ideological grounds, there is a correlation between education level and liberal ideology. Also, don't fucking associate political correctness directly with liberalism because both ideologies are equally victims.
Amarantus said:Dave you are a fucking idiot. What you are telling me is, since homosexual's are ridiculed by "society" they automatically don't choose be homosexual. Hmm, I'm going to call bullshit on this one. On the very same grounds that, murderers, rapists, drug addicts and all kinds of people who are ridiculed by society as well CHOOSE to do it. They know full well going in that if I do this, I'm going to be discriminated on because I'm going to be doing something that people SHOULDN'T, and is considered wrong. Now don't do the typical thing and turn this around and say I'm a homophobe. I have plenty of gay friends, and they all know how I stand on this issue. It's not right, it's not how people should be, but whatever they want to do then that's their problem. I just don't want to hear them complain about being ass fucked by society because they want to be different, no pun intended.
What is absurd, is the fact you have no idea what you are talking about, yet again.
I very much so choose to be straight. Everyday when I wake up I say "You know, I going to fuck a nice vagina today instead of suck some cock, because that's what I want to do." You lose.
You have a pretty good argument going, homosexual's brains are similar to a womans...ok I can buy that with some more legitimate proof. But the one thing that kills your point is the fact they aren't the SAME as a heterosexual woman's. Which means, they are still MEN. Once again showing that they do in fact CHOOSE who they want to have sexual relations with.
I used to live with a gay guy... well he lived with us. about 8 of us in the house.
He had the WORST selfesteem I have ever seen and liked one of my friends.
One time he was sitting at the bottom of the stairs drunk and crying because my friend didnt like him (well duh, he isnt gay) so he has this hawaiian shirt on and puked inside of it so that he wouldnt get puke on the carpet. Oh man it was so fucking funny
good story huh?