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I think it has very little to do with sociocultural differences. Looking at high school society it's easy to say that 5-10 years ago you didn't have half as many gay and bisexual people as you do today. It's more acceptable, and more and more people are coming out of the closet than ever before. It's hard to identify the causes as of yet but seeing the overall growth of tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality and bisexuality in American culture it's very easy to say that everyone has the capability to be gay or bi. I disagree, I think it's all genetic, simply because it's "cool" to be gay or bi right now.

Idiot. Same goes for Astrum.
It really comes down to the individual what types of things could influence his ultimate sexual orientation, but I suppose your example of lacking a strong male role model during youth (or perhaps having a strong female role model, or having an overbearing male role model) would be an apt one. Perhaps a general acquaintance with the idea of homosexuality and its being presented in an unbiased, unrepressed light may also effect the matter at hand. However, it is difficult to determine just what effects a given individual due to the fact that some things may merely cause a repression of homosexual tendencies rather than decrease the likelihood of having those tendencies, or vice versa.
I do agree with your earlier assertion however that it is nature AND nurture. I think some kids are genetically predisposed to homosexuality, and having those environmental influences will push them to homosexuality

But from what I have seen and talked to people on the net and in real life, most gays really have no idea why they are gay. Most of them seem like they never liked girls at all (a gay guy on sees he was sexually aroused around boys at the age of 13)
Man, if only everyone presented arguments and opinions like you. Totally lacking generalizations. Good job.

Thanks a lot, I try to be as precise as possible when seriously tackling such issues.

I do agree with your earlier assertion however that it is nature AND nurture. I think some kids are genetically predisposed to homosexuality, and having those environmental influences will push them to homosexuality

But from what I have seen and talked to people on the net and in real life, most gays really have no idea why they are gay. Most of them seem like they never liked girls at all (a gay guy on sees he was sexually aroused around boys at the age of 13)

Indeed, it is highly possible in some instances for sociocultural influences to be entirely unnecessary in turning one to lean toward homosexuality, I suppose especially for those born with a particularly small hypothalamus, as described in the article I originally posted.
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