This college thing is dumb. Going to a university is so blatantly better than going to a community college. This should not be a matter of debate. I'm going to the journalism school at Northwestern. That looks approximately one billion times better on a resume than having a journalism degree from community college. Northwestern is a top tier university, but even middling universities are much better than CC. It's also quite apparent that for most people, going to a top university results in making a lot of money in life. That's why these schools get donations in the hundreds of millions every year. It's not that you can't succeed out of CC, but the vast majority of people who go there don't succeed, unless you consider making $20K a year to be good.
Being poor isn't a very good excuse for not going to a university. Yeah, it's expensive, but if you work hard, there are plenty of opportunities for financial aid. Northwestern costs something like $40,000 a year, but I'll be finishing school debt free because I got about $150,000 in scholarships. My parents make less than $40,000 a year, so I qualified for a lot of need based scholarships. I'm not the typical case, but even if I had to take out some loans it would have been well worth it.