Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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One point I'd like to add: Ignoring the "getting high" effects of marijuana, there is also the fact that you are smoking, which injures your lungs.

Also I agree with medicinal marijuana. Many other drugs like morphine or oxy contin, that can be addictive are used as medicine so why not marijuana.
LOS ANGELES - Marijuana smoking does not increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer, according to the findings of a new study at the University of California Los Angeles that surprised even the researchers.

They had expected to find that a history of heavy marijuana use, like cigarette smoking, would increase the risk of cancer.

Instead, the study, which compared the lifestyles of 611 Los Angeles County lung cancer patients and 601 patients with head and neck cancers with those of 1,040 people without cancer, found no elevated cancer risk for even the heaviest pot smokers. It did find a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day.

The study results were presented in San Diego on Tuesday at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society.

The study was confined to people under age 60 since baby boomers were the most likely age group to have long-term exposure to marijuana, said Dr. Donald Tashkin, senior researcher and professor at the UCLA School of Medicine.

The results should not be taken as a blank check to smoke pot, which has been associated with problems like cognitive impairment and chronic bronchitis, said Dr. John Hansen-Flaschen, chief of pulmonary and critical care at the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia. He was not involved in the study.

Previous studies showed marijuana tar contained about 50 percent more of the chemicals linked to lung cancer, compared with tobacco tar, Tashkin said. In addition, smoking a marijuana joint deposits four times more tar in the lungs than smoking an equivalent amount of tobacco.

"Marijuana is packed more loosely than tobacco, so there's less filtration through the rod of the cigarette, so more particles will be inhaled," Tashkin said in a statement. "And marijuana smokers typically smoke differently than tobacco smokers — they hold their breath about four times longer, allowing more time for extra fine particles to deposit in the lung."

He theorized that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, a chemical in marijuana smoke that produces its psychotropic effect, may encourage aging, damaged cells to die off before they become cancerous.

Hansen-Flaschen also cautioned a cancer-marijuana link could emerge as baby boomers age and there may be smaller population groups, based on genetics or other factors, still at risk for marijuana-related cancers.
Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal?
It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt.
Do you know what's not natural?
80 year old dudes with hard-ons. That's not natural.
But we got pills for that.
We're dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect,but we're putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt?You know we have more prescription drugs now.
Every commercial that comes on TV is a prescription drug ad.
I can't watch TV for four minutes without thinking I have five serious diseases.
Like: "Do you ever wake up tired in the morning?"
Oh my god I have this, write this down. Whatever it is, I have it.
Half the time I don't even know what the commercial is:
people running in fields or flying kites or swimming in the ocean.
I'm like that is the greatest disease ever. How do you get that?
That disease comes with a hot chick and a puppy.
The schools now: It is all about self-esteem in the schools now.
Build the kids' self-esteem, make them feel good about themselves.
If everybody grows up with high self-esteem, who is going to dance in our strip clubs?
What's going to happen to our porno industry?
These women don't just grown on trees.
It takes lots of drunk dads missing dance recitals before you decide to blow a goat on the internet for fifty bucks.
And if that disappears, where does that leave me on a Friday night with my new high speed connection?

Masterminds are another word that comes up all the time.
You keep hearing about these terrorists masterminds that get killed in the middle east.
Terrorists masterminds.
Mastermind is sort of a lofty way to describe what these guys do, don't you think?
They're not masterminds.
"OK, you take bomb, right? And you put in your backpack. And you get on bus and you blow yourself up. Alright?"
"Why do I have to blow myself up? Why can't I just:"
"Who's the fucking mastermind here? Me or you?"
Americans, let's face it: We've been a spoiled country for a long time.
Do you know what the number one health risk in America is?
Obesity. They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic.
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about it one day.
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004.
"How'd you get through it grandpa?"
"Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."

Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle.
I'll sit at a drive thru.
I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter.
Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large.
You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fucker. There's room in the back. Take it!
Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It's only three more cents.

Sometimes you have to suffer a little bit in your youth to motivate yourself to succeed in later life.
Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd be a Microsoft?
Of course not. You got to spend a long time in your own locker with your underwear shoved up your ass before you start to think,
"You'll see. I'm going to take of the world of computers! I'll show them."

We're in one of the richest countries in the world,
but the minimum wage is lower than it was thirty five years ago.
There are homeless people everywhere.
This homeless guy asked me for money the other day.
I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was going to use it on drugs or alcohol.
And then I thought, that's what I'm going to use it on.
Why am I judging this poor bastard.
People love to judge homeless guys. Like if you give them money they're just going to waste it.
Well, he lives in a box, what do you want him to do? Save it up and buy a wall unit?
Take a little run to the store for a throw rug and a CD rack? He's homeless.
I walked behind this guy the other day.
A homeless guy asked him for money.
He looks right at the homeless guy and says why don't you go get a job you bum.
People always say that to homeless guys like it is so easy.
This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants.
Outside his pants. I'm guessing his resume isn't all up to date.
I'm predicting some problems during the interview process.
I'm pretty sure even McDonalds has a "underwear goes inside the pants" policy.
Not that they enforce it really strictly, but technically I'm sure it is on the books.

well since we are on the topic of drugs i thought i would post this song released a couple of years ago by lazyboy:Smokin:
Doubling back on this thread...

cookiecutter said:
But there is still the chance of getting addicted, or caught, and to me, it just isn't worth it.

There is the chance of getting addicted to shopping. Are you unwilling to go shopping? The chance of getting addicted to, for example, psilocybe mushrooms is nonexistent.
Demiurge said:
It was a marked improvement in my eyes. At least a few complete sentences appeared.

You're a prick.

What you need is to knock someone up and have a child. Then you can boss your child around, puff your feathers, think you're so great because you inseminated someone else with your seed, and leave us the fuck alone.

Oh yeah, and go smoke some f-ing weed. We don't need it here.
I can't eat cheese by it self, has to be on pizza. Cheese tastes good when its blended with sauce,pepperoni,etc...

I was born with an eating disorder. I can't gain weight stay thin and I drink lots of juices. We have one of those juiceman things that I use once in awile also.

Having this disorder is actually good because I don't eat enough where I could indulge on food. I have basic schedules and shopping for food is easy as pie. Doctors told me I would end up being unhealthy but I have had check ups and healthy.

People always find it odd because I don't try things. I hate when people get into a discussions on what I like or don't like because it's embarassing, and it seems like they are making it out to be abnormal when it's normal too me.
The Greys said:
I can't eat cheese by it self, has to be on pizza. Cheese tastes good when its blended with sauce,pepperoni,etc...

I was born with an eating disorder. I can't gain weight stay thin and I drink lots of juices. We have one of those juiceman things that I use once in awile also.

Having this disorder is actually good because I don't eat enough where I could indulge on food. I have basic schedules and shopping for food is easy as pie. Doctors told me I would end up being unhealthy but I have had check ups and healthy.

People always find it odd because I don't try things. I hate when people get into a discussions on what I like or don't like because it's embarassing, and it seems like they are making it out to be abnormal when it's normal too me.

Seperated at birth! I have the exact same feelings on that subject, well except that I don't label it a disorder.
Susperia said:
You're a prick.

What you need is to knock someone up and have a child. Then you can boss your child around, puff your feathers, think you're so great because you inseminated someone else with your seed, and leave us the fuck alone.

I should have many children, preferably hundreds, at least. That would have a eugenic effect on the breeding population. :)

Oh yeah, and go smoke some f-ing weed. We don't need it here.

I will smoke some DMT later, thanks.
Demiurge said:
There is the chance of getting addicted to shopping. Are you unwilling to go shopping? The chance of getting addicted to, for example, psilocybe mushrooms is nonexistent.

But shopping has no adverse effects on the body, and is a necessity. I think you have some good arguments, and are a person who obviously can handle drugs somewhat responsibly. I still however, have no need for artificial happiness drugs can give me, nor do I want to risk losing myself to them.
But shopping has no adverse effects on the body, and is a necessity.

Neither does psilocybin. The risks are limited to panic attacks, which can occur due to the overpowering nature of the experience. There have also been reports of "flashbacks" with serotonergic hallucinogens. Anyway, it's not as risky as you seem to think that it is.
Demiurge said:
Neither does psilocybin. The risks are limited to panic attacks, which can occur due to the overpowering nature of the experience. There have also been reports of "flashbacks" with serotonergic hallucinogens. Anyway, it's not as risky as you seem to think that it is.

Fair enough, I know nothing about psilocybin.
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