Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Susperia said:
^ Not necessarily. Even if used ''responsibly" drugs can still have many negative effects (besides lost brain cells and health problems). My father has always smoked pot ''responsibly" and my brother grew up being around that, so he thought smoking pot was a-okay, because his father did it, and is now a huge pot head and a complete waste of life.

Marijuana does not kill brain cells, dear. Perhaps you should stick to discussions to which you are better suited, such has how to make a spectacle of yourself using lurid hair dyes.
I see yet another thread has turned... We need a politics thread, seriously....

Pic o me:
ender7227 said:
Using pot responsibly does NOT include using it around children, with children, or if you have children.

Ender, get off your fucking high horse man, anything can be poison, it's the dose that determines it. Fat asses feeding their kids big macs everyday is just as irresponsible as smoking excessive amounts of pot around a kid. But fucking hell, I'll be damned if people are criticized for overfeeding kids, or giving them enough sugar for a foot amputation by the time they're 25... The only reason pot is "bad" is because some law says it is, really it's only as bad as the dosage... BTW, alcohol is by far the worse drug.
ender7227 said:
Drugs used for recreation, not counting heroin due to the extreme addiction problems, are not a bad thing, just like alcohol. Drugs used on a daily basis can be extrememly damaging, just like alcohol. If you put your life in danger while using them or because you use them so much, you have no business with them. If you can't use drugs responsibly, you shouldn't touch them. Unfortunantly, few people use drugs responsibly.
Oh yeah?.. 1 pill of extesy can kill, coz it makes crazy dehydration to your organism. I dont say it will be for sure, I say that its possible. During few last years about 4 ppl died here and in Russia, just coz of fucking pill of that shit. They've just "dried out" during a few hours. And they just wanted to get some fun.
And about that - "If you can't use drugs responsibly, you shouldn't touch them", - sorry, but thats a bullshit. You never know if you're addicted or not, untill you try. And then it might be too late.
Imp! said:
Ender, get off your fucking high horse man, anything can be poison, it's the dose that determines it. Fat asses feeding their kids big macs everyday is just as irresponsible as smoking excessive amounts of pot around a kid. But fucking hell, I'll be damned if people are criticized for overfeeding kids, or giving them enough sugar for a foot amputation by the time they're 25... The only reason pot is "bad" is because some law says it is, really it's only as bad as the dosage... BTW, alcohol is by far the worse drug.

Well i sure as FUCK criticize those who feed their kids that shit!

And I can also criticize any parent that also uses drugs, including alcohol and pot.
ender7227 said:
Drugs used for recreation, not counting heroin due to the extreme addiction problems, are not a bad thing, just like alcohol. Drugs used on a daily basis can be extrememly damaging, just like alcohol. If you put your life in danger while using them or because you use them so much, you have no business with them. If you can't use drugs responsibly, you shouldn't touch them. Unfortunantly, few people use drugs responsibly.

It's not worth even that. It's too easy to get addicted, even if some won't. I just can't take that chance. There are many healthier ways to have a good time.
all drugs are good. all drug use is good. giving drugs to children is good. giving drugs to dorks and squares is GREAT. doing drugs is fun. looking for more drugs is fun. trying new drugs is REALLL fun.

drugs are grand, mmmkay?

anything which gives you an alternate perspective on life to the sterile view of all the deskjob losers and short sighted conformists = FUCKING GREAT.

Susperia said:
Well i sure as FUCK criticize those who feed their kids that shit!

And I can also criticize any parent that also uses drugs, including alcohol and pot.

Ah, but is there any law against this? No. Do we as a people look down on irresponsible parents killing their children slowly? No. I think I confused ender's and some other's posts, but oh well... Yeah, a dad having a barbeque and sharing a few brews and joints with his buddies isn't a terrible dad, just one not concerned with what other people or laws think...
^^ Wow you're more of a conformist than you'll ever realize.

edit: Damnit that was directed toward Grimace.

And to the person above me, no there isn't a law against it, because you dont' get fucking HIGH off big Macs!
Imp! said:
Ender, get off your fucking high horse man, anything can be poison, it's the dose that determines it. Fat asses feeding their kids big macs everyday is just as irresponsible as smoking excessive amounts of pot around a kid. But fucking hell, I'll be damned if people are criticized for overfeeding kids, or giving them enough sugar for a foot amputation by the time they're 25... The only reason pot is "bad" is because some law says it is, really it's only as bad as the dosage... BTW, alcohol is by far the worse drug.
A) YES, alcohol is a worse drug
B) Pot use around kids is horrible
C) ANYTHING can be bad, if it is used in excess. Food especially.
D) Anyone who can't control their kids' diets should have the kids taken away from them, because that will do more damage in the long term than drug use.
Demiurge said:
Quite frankly, you have no idea what you are talking about, and I somehow doubt you are interested in educating yourself.
I do. And you'd better keep fucking silence with your guess about educating of myself.
ender7227 said:
It does limit brain functions, hampers reason, and those who seem to have a lower intelligence have just been turned lazy. Pot does make people lazy and unconcerned with anything but the next time they'll get high.

Heavy use of marijuana can disrupt short term memory, which returns after cessation of use. No causal link has been established between marijuana use and "amotivational" syndrome.

Neurotica said:
Oh yeah?.. 1 pill of extesy can kill, coz it makes crazy dehydration to your organism. I dont say it will be for sure, I say that its possible. During few last years about 4 ppl died here and in Russia, just coz of fucking pill of that shit. They've just "dried out" during a few hours. And they just wanted to get some fun.

I have a brilliant idea. It goes something like this: when using MDMA it is a good idea to drink enough water to remain hydrated. Similar brilliant ideas are don't drive an automobile if you've been awake for 48 consecutive hours and don't operate a jackhammer if you're drunk. Sometimes, it just takes a brilliant mind to find solutions to these everyday hazards.

And about that - "If you can't use drugs responsibly, you shouldn't touch them", - sorry, but thats a bullshit. You never know if you're addicted or not, untill you try. And then it might be too late.

Some "drugs," are less addictive than caffeine. You should take that into account.
~Neurotica said:
Oh yeah?.. 1 pill of extesy can kill, coz it makes crazy dehydration to your organism. I dont say it will be for sure, I say that its possible. During few last years about 4 ppl died here and in Russia, just coz of fucking pill of that shit. They've just "dried out" during a few hours. And they just wanted to get some fun.
And about that - "If you can't use drugs responsibly, you shouldn't touch them", - sorry, but thats a bullshit. You never know if you're addicted or not, untill you try. And then it might be too late.
Some drugs shouldn't be touched at all, extasy is one of them.

Rule of thumb: If some drug requires chemistry to get it made, and that chemistry is being done by burnt out dumbasses, DON'T USE THE FUCKING DRUG!
Demiurge said:
I have a brilliant idea. It goes something like this: when using MDMA it is a good idea to drink enough water to remain hydrated. Similar brilliant ideas are don't drive an automobile if you've been awake for 48 consecutive hours and don't operate a jackhammer if you're drunk. Sometimes, it just takes a brilliant mind to find solutions to these everyday hazards.

I doubt someone who uses these drugs and is under the influence of them will have any brilliant ideas.
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