Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Teh Grimarse said:
all drugs are good. all drug use is good. giving drugs to children is good. giving drugs to dorks and squares is GREAT. doing drugs is fun. looking for more drugs is fun. trying new drugs is REALLL fun.

drugs are grand, mmmkay?

anything which gives you an alternate perspective on life to the sterile view of all the deskjob losers and short sighted conformists = FUCKING GREAT.


Certain drugs are OK, and people can have a good time on them and not get themselves fucked for life.
But if doing drugs is your only idea of having a good time, then you need to get out more.
Drugs are not great, nor are they evil. THEY JUST ARE! Like guns, they just are. It's all about the people involved in them.

I'm done arguing now.
I am addicted to arguing pointless things in topics that are not for arguing those pointless things.

Perhaps some of us derailing these threads should create an arguing topic for these sort of things? I know I'm a contributor to this stupid arguing around here, but any topic I make turns to shit anyway, someone make a Politics thread, stat.
Demiurge said:
I have a brilliant idea. It goes something like this: when using MDMA it is a good idea to drink enough water to remain hydrated. Similar brilliant ideas are don't drive an automobile if you've been awake for 48 consecutive hours and don't operate a jackhammer if you're drunk. Sometimes, it just takes a brilliant mind to find solutions to these everyday hazards..
You've just listed methods that could help to avoid troubles after you've taken some kind of drugs. In the same time it proves my words, that all drugs are shit, and none of them is so safe as somebody used to think.

Demiurge said:
Some "drugs," are less addictive than caffeine. You should take that into account.
Okay. Does it mean they are safe?
Weed and other stuff is used in medicine, but there are absolutely different norms and ways to take it. And still those things are not that nice to humans organism.
Demiurge said:
It is unfortunate that you feel this way, but it's unlikely you will influence my behavior.
Oh, well, if you like to say b.s. about things you dont know a thing about - go ahead.
You've just listed methods that could help to avoid a troubles after you've taken some kind of drugs. In the same time it proves my words, that all drugs are shit, and none of them is so safe as somebody used to think.

I have just listed methods for responsible behavior. One of them applies to usage of an illegal substance, another a legal substance, and another to a state which is not induced by the ingestion of any substance. I am advocating responsible behaviour in all of these situations. By the way, you are responding to a strawman argument. A behavior as benign as eating a sandwich becomes dangerous when combined with an activity such as driving on a freeway. They are not "so safe"(whatever that means, exactly), but many drugs can be used safely.

Okay. Does it mean they are safe?

The appropriate question is "can they be used safely?"

Weed and other stuff is used in medicine, but there are absolutely different norms and ways to take it. And still those things are not that nice to humans organism.

Unfortunately, the United States government has seen fit to schedule some drugs as such that they have "no medical utility," yet there is evidence that they do. Scientific experimentation is being hindered by draconian drug laws. A glaring example is marijuana, which was declared to have no medicinal use. Surprisingly, a few months later a drug was approved that is essentially cannabinoids placed in a capsule. The correct message was, it seems, that it has no medical use as long as big pharma cannot make money off it. Other drugs with possible uses in medicine which have been classified as schedule I are DMT, LSD, MDMA, and so forth.

As for your last sentence, some of them are quite safe for the human organism in spite of whatever you might have heard.
Teh Grimarse said:
drugs make everything into "a good time"... with a shroom or two, i'll have more fun going to the park and petting stray kitties than most people'd have eating lobster and fucking hookers...

I like psilocybe mushrooms, also. They are very safe for the average person and it seems they are useful for combatting cluster headaches.
^People say that about pot, how there's no real consequences, well I know for a fact there is, permanent and sad. One of my teammates on my old wrestling team is not the same person, granted he might have been a little crazy before he got into pot and it wasn't just pot, but he is now utterly fucked for life and pot was the driving force... He's basically a vegetable right now, on meds 24/7, so be fucking careful with the shit, know the consequences. Caffeine's not so great for you're heart, cigarettes are for your lungs, and fat really helps out the whole body... Decisions are still for individuals to make, consequences are for individuals to handle.
Demiurge said:
I have just listed methods for responsible behavior. One of them applies to usage of an illegal substance, another a legal substance, and another to a state which is not induced by the ingestion of any substance. I am advocating responsible behaviour in all of these situations. By the way, you are responding to a strawman argument. A behavior as benign as eating a sandwich becomes dangerous when combined with an activity such as driving on a freeway. They are not "so safe"(whatever that means, exactly), but many drugs can be used safely.

The appropriate question is "can they be used safely?"

Unfortunately, the United States government has seen fit to schedule some drugs as such that they have "no medical utility," yet there is evidence that they do. Scientific experimentation is being hindered by draconian drug laws. A glaring example is marijuana, which was declared to have no medicinal use. Surprisingly, a few months later a drug was approved that is essentially cannabinoids placed in a capsule. The correct message was, it seems, that it has no medical use as long as big pharma cannot make money off it. Other drugs with possible uses in medicine which have been classified as schedule I are DMT, LSD, MDMA, and so forth.
Yes. Prolly I could agree with that. But do you think that ice can be used safely too?

Demiurge said:
As for your last sentence, some of them are quite safe for the human organism in spite of whatever you might have heard.
It depends of norms. Junkies here just buy painkiller pills in the drugstore and grab'em to keep their asses high.

Demiurge said:
I do not know what you are referring to.

To your opinion about educating myself.
Teh Grimarse said:
but no organic thing is as bad as a bad non-organic thing.

So which is worse, a drop of some lethal black widow's venom, or a pacemaker?:)
Imp! said:
^People say that about pot, how there's no real consequences, well I know for a fact there is, permanent and sad. One of my teammates on my old wrestling team is not the same person, granted he might have been a little crazy before he got into pot, but he is now utterly fucked for life... He's basically a vegetable right now, on meds 24/7, so be fucking careful with the shit, know the consequences. Caffeine's not so great for you're heart, cigarettes are for your lungs, and fat really helps out the whole body... Decisions are still for individuals to make, consequences are for individuals to handle.

There is an old maxim, "correlation does not imply causation." Well, I submit that marijuana usage in people suffering from psychosis is compensatory, as opposed to causative.

Cerebrospinal anandamide levels are elevated in acute schizophrenia and are inversely correlated with psychotic symptoms.

Giuffrida A, Leweke FM, Gerth CW, Schreiber D, Koethe D, Faulhaber J, Klosterkotter J, Piomelli D.

Department of Pharmacology, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA.

The endocannabinoids are a family of bioactive lipids that activate CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the brain and exert intense emotional and cognitive effects. Here, we have examined the role of endocannabinoid signaling in psychotic states by measuring levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of acute paranoid-type schizophrenic patients. We found that CSF anandamide levels are eight-fold higher in antipsychotic-naive first-episode paranoid schizophrenics (n = 47) than healthy controls (n = 84), dementia patients (n = 13) or affective disorder patients (n = 22). Such an alteration is absent in schizophrenics treated with 'typical' antipsychotics (n = 37), which antagonize dopamine D2-like receptors, but not in those treated with 'atypical' antipsychotics (n = 34), which preferentially antagonize 5HT(2A) receptors. Furthermore, we found that, in nonmedicated acute schizophrenics, CSF anandamide is negatively correlated with psychotic symptoms (rS = -0.452, P = 0.001). The results suggest that anandamide elevation in acute paranoid schizophrenia may reflect a compensatory adaptation to the disease state.

Anadamide is an endocannabinoid. Anandamide is higher in unmedicated schizophrenics, and anandamide levels are negatively correlated with psychotic symptoms. In other words, the smoking of marijuana, which contains chemicals pharmacologically similar to anandamide, increase in which is correlated with lessened psychosis, could be self-medication.
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