Proceed to Ultraslamming
I'm doing the whole time there. I visited Toronto/the University and I think both are great. I guess we'll bump into each other at the local venues 

not really,
college isn't the same as business
noone mentioned stereotypes
I'm doing the whole time there. I visited Toronto/the University and I think both are great. I guess we'll bump into each other at the local venues![]()
We don't get Imus in this market, but he looks far too old to still be relevant in any way.
It was much funnier when the Celtics' color man told the woman ref to get back into the kitchen and fry him some eggs.
Cats are very manly.
I like to do all my work in the morning for some reason. If I could get used to it working from 4 AM-12 PM wouldn't be bad at all.My scheduele this past year basically involved me staying up until 3 am and sleeping till noon with classes falling between 1 and 7pm. Yeah it kinda sucked, but I think I would have trouble re-adjusting back to 'regular' hours.
My Odin is the manliest of mans.
Rutgers is trying to create drama? What the fuck are you talking about? They merely had a press conference to address the issue upon request and released a statement.
I wrote a blog on breastfeeding. Please read it if you consider yourself an intelligent specimen.
hey come on now
I am at least 40 pounds bigger than any of the guys in that video
It might have been an interesting read if you'd actually supplied some sources for some of the dubious claims you make there. I agree with the premise that breast feeding is better than not doing so (and so do most doctors/scientists really, mainly for the immune system reason you mentioned) but some of your reasons for why artificial milk is bad aren't very convincing. Show me some reliable scientific data (ie. something published in a renowned medical journal) that proves or atleast suggests that babies who are fed on artificial milk end up with a lower IQ.
Oh? Explain how I'm wrong. If you actually think that the press conference and what was said there was anything less than melodramatic attention seeking than you are fucking delusional.