Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I wrote a blog on breastfeeding. Please read it if you consider yourself an intelligent specimen.

All of which is great if you are a woman who can feed by breastfeeding. Not all of them can; my own wife, for instance, would be no use as a fucking cow as she can't produce milk for shit, and our boys have both been ravenous, gigantic future warriors.

All of this fucking "Oh, wouldn't breastfeeding for everyone" bullshit does nothing but depress the other women. Also - time? It is FAR quicker to use formula, both of you can do it without having the ballsache of trying to express enough, and as far as I can tell neither of my lads have suffered one iota.

Using contraception, not mothers having kids sucking at their nipples all fucking day keeps the population down.


I wrote a blog on breastfeeding. Please read it if you consider yourself an intelligent specimen.
My comment on her blog:
I'm sorry, but you seriously made a blog about breastfeeding? I don't see how this is in any way as big a deal as you make it. Yes, people should breastfeed. It's healthier for everyone involved. But there are bigger fish to fry, IMHO.
My comment on her blog:
I'm sorry, but you seriously made a blog about breastfeeding? I don't see how this is in any way as big a deal as you make it. Yes, people should breastfeed. It's healthier for everyone involved. But there are bigger fish to fry, IMHO.

So of course nobody should talk about it until all of the bigger problems are resolved.
this is me fisco from northern ireland

are you even into metal?

ohh wats this jus coz i aint got long hair n dress in black n shit that i dont like metal,ive been listening to metal since i was 6 n 7 thru me cousin,from black sabbath,led zepplin,metallica,testament,exodus,slayer,onslaught,kreator,sepultura,attomica,annihilator
,sacred reich,pantera,megadeath,death,forbidden,death angel,iron maiden,S.O.D,anthrax,dark angel,too name buut a few,n yes im a dj aswel and pretty successful back home in ireland,but me love of metal and to be precise thrash metal i think thats ur answer to that question
are you even into metal?

You never know man, he might be playing some dark techno or jungle (i.e. REAL dance music, not this generic shallow bullshit which is around in the mainstream and big parties these days) in that photo.

90s Detriot/Chicago/English techno (Carl Craig/Surgeon/Jeff Mills/etc etc) ftw :kickass:
You never know man, he might be playing some dark techno or jungle (i.e. REAL dance music, not this generic shallow bullshit which is around in the mainstream and big parties these days) in that photo.

90s Detriot/Chicago/English techno (Carl Craig/Surgeon/Jeff Mills/etc etc) ftw :kickass:

you are a black metal fan

I am very dissappointed of you hubster, dance music is very un-kvlt :erk:
Twenty bucks says bigdave wasnt breastfed. Hence the retardation.

Edit: Give me jungle dance music over hip/hop any day, at least i can bang my head to it since i'm wayyyy too white to actually try to dance. So i do the white man's underbite when in a rare occasion of doing something other than headbanging.
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