Opeth and negative music.

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eternal soul torture
Jan 22, 2004
shawinigan, quebec, canada
after 7 albums, we can say opeth did really depressives songs. Its hard to recall a song with positives lyrics and music. What do you think about their negatives messages? Personnaly i love negative music even if it can be hard sometimes... a song like to bid you farewell or a fair judgement can really put someone on the mat... like me maybe! I heard a lot of ppls saying : after an opeth's concert you'll want to shoot yourself!
Damnation is something really depressive too and i don't think the next album is gonna be more positive.

Do you expect some light in the future with their music? would you like it?
After an opeth concert you want to pinch yourself. You've reached the pinnacle of emotion. And nothing can eclipse that. Well other than going to another opeth concert. ;) I love their lyrical themes. We don't need opeth covering r.e.m's shiny happy people. Leave all the joy and cheer to power metal ahahha :*) When I listen to opeth I feel uplifted. Not brought down to my knees in a wave of depression. You want to hear depressing? Listen to My dying bride. I can't listen to them longer than 10 mins. I really dig them in small doses. But can't take much more than 1 or 2 songs in succession.

Songs Like Apostle In Triumph, The Moor, When, Funeral Portrait, and dozen upon dozen more opeth tunes always kick my ass in a positive way. I just wanna go tackle people on a football field and shit! :Smokin:
my dying bride are great... i've got all their albums expect the firtst one. For my fallen angel is something.

I had the same feeling when i saw opeth especially the first time; a fair judgment and the run away part in demon on the fall made almost made me cry (the two lasts) and its true.

But they are so great that some songs brings me joy despite their lyrics...
Yeah, lots of those songs bring me joy, like especially songs like Moonlapse Vertigo and Advent. I think Opeth's songs are pretty negative, but they seem to deal with negativity much beyond that of common human life. Like ghosts, and other crazy fantastical shit like that.....but it's awesome.........
Certain vocals in Opeth songs set off emotion within me, such as:

- ''Run away, run away. Just one second, and I was left with nothing.
Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air.
That day came to an end. And she had lost in me,
her Credence'' - Demon Of The Fall

- ''Devious movements in your eyes
Moved me from relief
Breath comes out white clouds with your lies
And filters through me'' - Bleak
Night and Silent Water got me choked up once. Bringing me closer to tears than any other opeth song. When I listened to it that time. I was hearing it from a personal level though.
Opeth is sad music, but I like it very much. I think depressive music in general sounds better than "happy" music. Still I don't get "depressed" or anything when listening to Opeth, I enjoy it, because the music is so good.
You never know. Opeth could get some what happy in the future. Look at the last Sentenced album "The Cold White Light." The Northernmost Suiciders wrote a semi-up beat album for them! Who would have thought?
It is indeed some damn depressive music, but they manage to deliver this negative energy with a touch of beauty and hopefulness.

I really like when they built up tention to release it in a powerful moment of pure beauty, the best example being Bleak (6:40).
Evil Ernie said:
It is indeed some damn depressive music, but they manage to deliver this negative energy with a touch of beauty and hopefulness.

I really like when they built up tention to release it in a powerful moment of pure beauty, the best example being Bleak (6:40).

I think hopefulness is the key word. I have to agree about my dying bride too, WAY too depressing. It just trudges on and on...still ok in small doses though. But in Opeths music they keep you hooked, waiting to see what happens next. The overall themes are generally depressing yeah, but there are so many emotions on display under that theme that it really doesn't depress you. I always feel either somber, or uplifted after listening to opeth.
The special thing about Opeth is the despondency laced with hope. Look at Blackwater Park, and you've got a lyrical message of death to mankind, but in a way, Mike makes it sound like a good thing. And it is.
Well, I don’t think that Opeth will ever put out a happy song or a happy record. I think that sorrow, malice, and depression are emotions that can be deeply explored in music.

And, let’s face it, the metal genre is not a very happy scene in general.

People normally think of happy music as pop music. They think of happy music and pop music as background music, hits on the radio, and so on. I think that Opeth is just deeper music. Music that you can really get into and relate to on a deeper level. I certainly think that this kind of music is far more rewarding than another band with shallow themes about partying, girls, ECT., ECT.
Illuminatixvx said:
I certainly think that this kind of music is far more rewarding than another band with shallow themes about partying, girls, ECT., ECT.
Too fucken right. I couldn't agree more. What kind of musical experience do you get out of shit with lyrics like 'Come on everybody, come and feel the music, its time to party' or 'Hey yeah!' :erk:
You're (we're) all just looking for a certain kind of catharsis that you (we) get with listening to this depressive stuff...just like Illuminatix said, it's far more rewarding. The lyrics can be depressing, angry, mad as fuck or sad and make you depressed, but on the other hand sometimes the angry music can you get in a great mood. That's how it's for me at least.
Most bands do have a glimmer of hope in their lyrics though. :) I don't think that you can say that Face Of Melinda is all depressing, or Godhead's Lament for example. Actually, I think the songs on Still Life altogether have a bit more of that.
It mostly depends on the song. Sometimes im close to tears, sometimes im close to running out of the house to shout out aloud "OPETH IS SO FUCKING GENIUS!".

Deliverance, Harvest, Lepper Affinity, When and Demon of The Fall usually make me smile (could more or less also be described as the mot's evil grin). :D