Opeth gigs cancelled

calm it you guys...me and a few homies were going to the LA one. I have my LA ticket...I strongly believe that all 3 dates are important dates to play for a tour and that the management are doing their best in rescheduling. It should all work out fine in the end...the only problems with this are 1. Waiting longer to opeth. 2. probably getting ANOTHER day off work. and 3. if you ordered a a plane ticket...ouch. Do your best to remain calm...Opeth is my fav. band but it isn't the end of the world...
AnTz0r said:
blame your government instead, for making it really difficult to travel to the US with anti-terrorist measures that aren't effective at all anyway. you're being manipulated with fear...

eat shit, i am all for checking foreigners thoroughly before coming here...im pissed that they didnt plan further in advance for a fuckin huge US tour
Well, pissing and whinging about it ain't gonna get ya nowhere, if they don't play those gigs this tour, get a refund on your tickets and make sure you get some tickets for their next tour. They ain't gonna be coming my way (and many others way) anytime soon (or ever) so...don't cry..get over it.
I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping they can do the San Francisco gig. I talked two non-metal friends into attending, and it will be a shame if they end up unable to see Opeth. I even bent over, bit my tongue, and let TicketBastard have its way with me so I could see this show.

Now are they going to rescedule, or did they just get cancelled? I couldn't buy tix for the LA show because it was sold out and I'm hoping that once it's resceduled, I'll be able to get them then.
Commander Salamander said:
I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping they can do the San Francisco gig. I talked two non-metal friends into attending, and it will be a shame if they end up unable to see Opeth. I even bent over, bit my tongue, and let TicketBastard have its way with me so I could see this show.


Chin up, times are tough all over. No need to think you are all alone. Ticketbastard fukkks us all. And they are our only guarantee of "not being sold out". I predict a show before Dec. 3rd. They have to be home for Quanza.
AnTz0r said:
blame your government instead, for making it really difficult to travel to the US with anti-terrorist measures that aren't effective at all anyway. you're being manipulated with fear...
Are you kidding me? Are you retarded? Don't ever speak about anything that has to do with MY country because you have absolutely no idea what is being done over here since your press is nothing but left wing anti american propaganda. Just for 30 seconds... think about your statement and how stupid you sound... Our anti terror measures have prevented us from being attacked since that disgusting day of Sept 11, 2001. Without them, moron, we would have been attacked again and have thousands of more people killed... of course you would probably enjoy that since you are brainwashed to think that.
masteropuppetz66 said:
Are you kidding me? Are you retarded? Don't ever speak about anything that has to do with MY country because you have absolutely no idea what is being done over here since your press is nothing but left wing anti american propaganda. Just for 30 seconds... think about your statement and how stupid you sound... Our anti terror measures have prevented us from being attacked since that disgusting day of Sept 11, 2001. Without them, moron, we would have been attacked again and have thousands of more people killed... of course you would probably enjoy that since you are brainwashed to think that.

I hope you didn't join just to reply to him.

:cool: :err: :Smokin:
masteropuppetz66 said:
Are you kidding me? Are you retarded? Don't ever speak about anything that has to do with MY country because you have absolutely no idea what is being done over here since your press is nothing but left wing anti american propaganda. Just for 30 seconds... think about your statement and how stupid you sound... Our anti terror measures have prevented us from being attacked since that disgusting day of Sept 11, 2001. Without them, moron, we would have been attacked again and have thousands of more people killed... of course you would probably enjoy that since you are brainwashed to think that.

Wow, sorry but you are a fucking idiot.
Damn, im hell of fucking pissed off. This week has happened to have been the worst ever and on top of it the Opeth concert i've been DYING to go to gets cancelled. This really fucking sucks :cry:
This could just be me but; I dont think this is the place to talk about politics. Because we all know that no one will get anywhere. Nobody is going to change their mind, especially not for someone who could possibly be hundreds or even thousands of miles away. With that said; ticketmaster makes me thow up.:puke:
WTF!!!???? come the fuck on! I bought tickets to see fuckin' opeth here in los angeles. I was eager to see them live, buy a shirt and shit, but now it's not happenin' and im upset. If they're going to reschedule the dates, then they better do something special for us fans who were eagerly awaiting their arrival and support them.
masteropuppetz66 said:
Are you kidding me? Are you retarded? Don't ever speak about anything that has to do with MY country because you have absolutely no idea what is being done over here since your press is nothing but left wing anti american propaganda. Just for 30 seconds... think about your statement and how stupid you sound... Our anti terror measures have prevented us from being attacked since that disgusting day of Sept 11, 2001. Without them, moron, we would have been attacked again and have thousands of more people killed... of course you would probably enjoy that since you are brainwashed to think that.

fuck you and the goddamn corrupt government and shove it up your ass!!
It's cuz of our fuckin retarded president didn't do shit to prevent this, it's his fault for not following up on that shit. That mo'fo' promised to keep our country safe and did he? No!! That shithead had corporate ties with the osama bin laden family....well go see the michael moore movie. Bush planned the attack so he could gain credit for establishing a nationwide hatred towards terrorrist and middle easterns and to look like a good and caring president, my ass.
Verano said:
fuck you and the goddamn corrupt government and shove it up your ass!!
It's cuz of our fuckin retarded president didn't do shit to prevent this, it's his fault for not following up on that shit. That mo'fo' promised to keep our country safe and did he? No!! That shithead had corporate ties with the osama bin laden family....well go see the michael moore movie. Bush planned the attack so he could gain credit for establishing a nationwide hatred towards terrorrist and middle easterns and to look like a good and caring president, my ass.
Anyone who actually believes what Michael Moore says deserves to die a horrible death. We'll start with you.
I have tickets for LA and Mesa gigs.. well how do we get refunds? I am kinda glad coz i wasnt gonna be able to make it to LA gig anyway. HAHHA.djkdfsksdkjdfdfs.