Kazrog said:
So it's up to you to decide how I should make my money? What if I told you that I feel it is necesarry for me to quit my day job in order to fully realize all of the things I want to do with music? I want to dedicate myself 100% to music, but unfortunately, the context of economics necessitates that I work a day job until I can support myself through music. If I am unable to support myself through music, my music ultimately suffers because I am not able to produce the quality/quantity of output I'd like to in a reasonable period of time.
My philosophy is different because my situation is different I suppose. I don't fully support myself right now (parents and such), but when that changes maybe my opinion will be subject to change, I don't know. I've seen how money can destroy integrity though, and I really don't like that shit, so although I'm hellbent on music I'm going to try and keep going but not let money dictate things.
I just think it is realistic of me (especially considering the country I live in, NZ, that has a really DEAD music industry) to support my music through work where I can and not worry so much about the money. Bah, tricky subject.
By your logic, you should be able to walk into a store and steal from them because it doesn't "destroy their life." Downloading music without paying for it ultimately is the same thing as shoplifting.
An mp3 is not a tangible product that has been packaged, prepared and distributed through commercial channels. It is just a copy of something, and copies of things are much less valuable than the official piece. I can see how you could perceive it as stealing, but I see few enough similarities with actual products to feel bad about taking it.
The irony of the situation that your type of attitude is perpetuating is this: by stealing music, you are making it so that the only people that can have succesful careers in music are rich kids and the pop/fashion artists that labels throw major marketing budget behind. Downloading hurts the hard-working artists out there like Opeth the most.
I see it as the opposite actually. If I didn't download music (and I do so because of the recommendations of forums and the net) I wouldn't know about any artists other than the popular artists, so if I did actually go to the store to buy an album (and I do WHEN I CAN) it would be by some shitty band I'd seen on TV or other. If I didn't download music the underground would not get ANY of my money FULLSTOP, cos I wouldn't know any of these artists anyways, or what in the underground was worth buying
I'm not saying you shouldn't download leaks. Hell, I'm listening to fucking "Ghost Reveries" as I type this, and I am loving it. I have also, as always, marked all of the mp3s as "leak" so that I remember to buy the album when it comes out.
That's admirable of you, but seems a bit excessive. If the album was shit I would not want to buy it...
It is a good album though and I've got the money so I will go buy it when I get the chance.
Ultimatley what will solve this problem is: the day an album is mastered, the label should release it on iTunes. Then everyone can download the album legitimately and there's less of a motivation to go hunting for the "leak." Labels like Roadrunner are hurting their artists by sending out literally thousands of promo copies of an album to interns who will inevitably leak the album on the internet months before it is released.
Oh well, it is not regulated as such now so I await that day.
By the time albums are released, everyone forgets they haven't bought them, and are in many cases already sick of the albums they downloaded the leak of. You, Static, are a part of this problem by rationalizing your illegal behavior.
I totally disagree.
See my behaviour is illegal but I don't see it as inherently bad.
This is the bottom line:
I don't download an album.
Outcome: I never hear the artist. I never buy their album (if I would choose to). They never get my money. I know less about music, I gravitate towards shitty music. I make less music. I love music less.
I feel that artists should stop living in the dark ages and embrace this digital medium. The fans would like them more and in likelihood buy their music even more.
I could probably express my opinion better or something but you get the general idea...